Haha, man... we have the same tastes in games. I don't know about Xenosaga as I haven't played it, but that's the way I felt about Xenogears, especially the second disc which was more like reading a book than playing a game (good thing it had the best story I've ever seen in a video game then).
But Alundra... one of my favorite games of the style. Those puzzles are wicked. I never got that sword on that statue though... I must have missed something. I thought it had a pretty deep storyline for that style, a lot deeper than Zelda to say the least. I never played the sequel or the prequel, but I've heard the sequel wasn't as good and the prequel (well, not really a prequel, but an action rpg made by the same team) was awesome. The prequel I'm talking about is of course Landstalkers or whatever the title was, something very similar to that if my memory hasn't failed me.