guess who just got a gamecube

Firedwarf said:
Xenogears is definitely my favorite RPG of all time.

The storyline just kicks ass.

However, I still feel that the best RPG I have ever played in my life is Skies of Arcadia.

FuSoYa, I really recommend you pick up the Gamecube version ASAP. It's amazing.

Xenosaga was definitely not as good as Xenogears, unfortunately. I liked it, but it doesn't hold a candle to Xenogears.

I wish the wait between episodes were shorter. That really kills me.

I had Skies of Arcadia for dreamcast... that game is alot of fun... the normal combat was a little boring.. but its totally made up for by the ariship combat stuff.. which is so much fun!
ChromeLife said:
I had Skies of Arcadia for dreamcast... that game is alot of fun... the normal combat was a little boring.. but its totally made up for by the ariship combat stuff.. which is so much fun!
Well, the only problem I had with the normal combat was the encounter rate on the world map. That was just ridiculous at times. Fortunately, once you get that shit at Yafutoma that lets you fly above/below the clouds, I didn't have that problem anymore (there are no random battles above/below the clouds).

Really though, I don't believe I've ever had so much fun with an RPG. Everything about the game is great, I think. On the technical side of the things, the graphics are great, the colors are vibrant and lighthearted, the game's engine is great, the dungeon design is brilliant, and the world map design is also brilliant.

I loved the atmosphere in the game. I haven't played such a lighthearted RPG in a long time. It used the old "collect the 6 item" formula, but pulled it off very well.

The game never follows a temple a > temple b > temple c > final boss format. Just when things are beginning to fit into a formula, something happens and completely throws everything out of whack. I loved it.

I haven't had a chance to pick up the Gamecube version yet, but I will later this summer. I honestly had a blast with that game.

And the discovery system was awesome. :D I loved when you discovered the world was round.
VangelicSurgeon said:
sdfsdha;fhsajk;dhf;as SOTN is fucking SICK SICK SICK! GET IT PRONTO!!
Symphony of the Night really was a quality game. I liked it a lot, even though it basically ripped off the design of Super Metroid and added some RPG-elements. I thought it was really cool. :D

Although the challenge of the game goes down the toliet once you get the Crissaegrim. I beat the last boss in like under a minute. o_O
Oh, and if you liked Symphony of the Night, you'll really like the new Castlevania game for the Game Boy Advance. It's called Aria of Sorrow, and it's definitely the best Castlevania game for Game Boy Advance. I have the ROM if you want it.

I did not like the other CV games for GBA. I didn't like Circle of the Moon's spell system and Harmony of Dissonance was too fucking easy. They got it right with Aria of Sorrow. Third times a charm, I guess.
LuminousAether said:
Yeah, Metroid Prime has some freezing problems, mostly in one of the early elevators. I just saved it frequently and wished for the best. As far as I can tell, that is the only problem with the game, and I believe they fixed it in later versions.
I got the game the day it came out in the US, and I didn't experience any freezing problems. But I did read a lot about it. Man, that would have pissed me off.
FuSoYa said:
staying home from work yesterday to play Zelda = rules.
Since almost no one said anything (I think) about the new Zelda...

Yeah, the new Zelda is REALLY cool. Very stylish. Tons of fun. Graphics are awesome.

The only problems I had with the game were the Triforce maps (it got boring, man) and the lack of dungeons. I think the final number of dungeons in the game is six. They had two other dungeons they were working on, but decided to cut them (for whatever reason. I'm guessing time restraint.)

Anyway, I think the last battle in The Wind Waker is FUN. I wouldn't say it's as epic as some of the other Zelda battles, but it's fun. :P
If SotN is Metroid 3 with medieval themes, I'm sold. Metroid 3 is incredible. I actually started playing it again since I'm playing Metroid Prime and wanted more Metroid goodness.

Firedwarf said:
Anyway, I think the last battle in The Wind Waker is FUN. I wouldn't say it's as epic as some of the other Zelda battles, but it's fun. :P

I give it meh/10 for fun factor, but 0/10 for awesomeness. When Ganondorf started transforming I was like, "Yes! This is going to be awesome! Surely they will put the GCN's power to good use!" What I got was... less than awesome.

And as for PC RPG's, I'm all about Fallout 2.
I played Zelda up to the fire dungeon. Up that point, the game = 10 / 10 for fun, 10 / 10 for graphics, 10 / 10 for gameplay, and it made me weep with joy. Something the Ocarina of Time NEVER CAME EVEN CLOSE to doing, but A Link to the Past did every minute of the game.