Guestbook Playtime


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Just to let everyone know, that the guestbook has temporarily been locked as a few "boys" were getting carried away with themselves. Sorry for any serious postings that Nick edited but there was a lot for him to do, if you posted seriously and want to do so again keep checking back.

So, to the boys: Everyone likes a bit of a laugh now and again but there is timing and subject matter and in both areas yours was Seriously bad and infant like so please take it somewhere else ... thanks .. it's not big and it ain't clever. This site is about Metal .....:err: Got it :yell: ?
I'm not going to give it any more air-time or exposure mate - those responsible don't deserve the attention. Suffice it to say that some people seemed to find it funny to come and post a lot of s**t on our site - some of it in pretty poor taste - and that we've removed it and will continue to do so without any fuss until they get bored and go away.

As I said to Sean on Sunday - the fact that we're attracting people like that these days means we must be doing something right ... ;)