HCDR Related Interview


Mar 14, 2002
Oh well, I had nothing to do so I decided to translate a finnish interview by Soneraplaza's Kaista. I'm not too good in english, so prepare to read some horrible translations. It has comments of every song by Alexi and Kaista, but I won't translate Kaista's every comment, only the important parts.

The original version : http://fi.soneraplaza.net/kaista/musiq/haastattelut/0,5209,234789,00.html

Heavygroup Children of Bodom's 'Hate Crew Deathroll' -album will be released in Finland on Friday 3.1. Bodom-composer Alexi Laiho tells about the songs of the forthcoming cd.

Needled 24/7

- I somehow have the feeling that this song sounds like "us" the most, or the "familiar bodom"... Maybe that's because we made the video of it. The song has a kinda catchy melody and it goes forwards very fast. Otherwise it has also very untypical synthsounds and other things. We thought a lot of different soundthings to this song with Janne.


- One of the songs where the guitars have been tuned lower than usually. Very heavy song and still maybe the favourite of the whole band. It won't last as a favourite very long though.. (laugh). It has also something Carcass-like, a few very heavy parts.

Chokehold (Cocked 'n' Loaded)

- It's somekind of speed metal... (laugh) And it has a LOT of riffing so the song is pretty guitar based. The chorus has awesome choirs because that's what we like to do a lot. I was thinking that one of the riffs might sound a bit like Annihilator, but it has it's own bodom touch, too.

Kaista :
- CoB goes Annihilator.. Nothing special, but works damn well. Will be one hell of a live song.

Bodom Beach Terror

- The name is of course a living proof of our "sick" humour.. What I mean is that it continues the Bodom-theme from our previous albums. I guess everyone understands that it has something to do with this well-known incident. It'll be part of our liveset for sure. I like especially the chorus! The whole package Bodom Beach Terror is asskicking. We don't like showing off, we put some akward riffs to the songs in a purpose... (laugh)

Angels Don't Kill

- The slow one. These riffs just came to my head and we started to invest to this song seriously. At one point we dropped the tempo a bit, lowered the tune and it started to sound heavy! In addition we tried (and got) as much as possible some painful feeling.

Triple Corpse Hammerblow

- Well, what should I say.. A heavy song. Hammers pretty well. The chorus has again choirs.

Kaista :
- Has a chorus, where "Triple Corpse Hammerblow" is chanted, makes me smile. It has been composed not so seriously. On the other hand heavy playing and catchy melodies won't make you smile at all. At least humoristically.

You're Better Off Dead

- Everyone who's interested has heard this, i guess.. so that's about it.

Kaista :
- It's a good song, but the CD has better songs.

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hard (I wonder if it's really Hard or Hood.. :p)

- Little Riding Hood -song, yup.. We tried to get some synthsound to this song, that our cd's have never had before. It's not our usual song, it's pretty different. It's not too clear in this song what comes next around the corner. The lyrics are of course black humour and something not-too-serious rockthings (oh my god, they have written some lyrics ;) )

Kaista :
- Lots of soloing and other cool things.

Hate Crew Deathroll

- This is coming little by little to my own favourite. A real HC song, no asking or giving mercy on this one. Musically dull song, straight ass-kicking, no bullshit. It's cool to play some "old school blackmetal" from time to time, too.

Kaista :
- The group calls themselves (and their tourcrew) Hate Crew. And the lyrics are of course pretty well fitting to the theme : "Hey! Don't tell us what you want, cuz we don't give a fuck about you and your kind" and "we're the hate crew we stand and we won't fall, we're all for none and none for all, fuck you! we'll fight til' the last hit, and we sure as hell ain't taking no shit!"

Whoa. I hope someone reads it :grin:

Tomorrow is the big day..
Thank you so much, Shadeg!!! Sounds like the album will be a fucking killer. And wow, the lyrics are fucking cool! This is exactly the stuff which I wanna hear! :grin:
Nippon Q Queue!
Ash Gala Wonderful!
Easy Rider Salad The Mall
Who Dong Hide Label
A+ A+ A+ D-

Yatta! Yatta! Yatta! Yatta!
Yatta! Yatta! Yatta! Yatta!
