... i cannot wait for Daivd Lee Roth to replace him ... wonder how long he will last on the air ... i can't handle more then 10 minutes of roth at one time
for me, satellite became the way to go because Phil Hendrie's local affiliate changed formats, plus, the local sports radio station is so top heavily myopic about the fucking Buckeyes that I wanted to get Sporting News radio, ESPN national, and Fox Sports radio.
I like Stern. I don't care for the toilet humor that he's so fond of, but his bits, his interviews, etc. are all top notch. I'm curious to hear his show once he's on satellite. It will be interesting to see how far he pushes things without and FCC regulations.
not sure if I should cough up the dough for Sirius just for Stern ... i really don't care much for radio ...
is there a satellite tuner that goes from home to the car easily?
Fucking aye. I was looking into the backstage pass. I rarely hear him anymore. He comes on this sports station at about 7pm. It's unbelievable that people still fall into his trap. Unbelievable, yet hysterical.
oh, I'm still gonna be severly curtailed...it's just that the IT security people can't find their ass with both hands. lots of edicts, but little action.