Yeah so say I were to move to NYC...

JayKeeley said:
So NAD -- why not San Fran? It would seem like the obvious choice considering it's not far from you. Just look at the music scene out there...!
Yeah, that's a definite possibility as well. Or somewhere in NorCal. Right now (as in right this second) I think when I make my escape I want it to be far far away. The east coast is pretty far. San Francisco fucking rules though.

We'll see. Operation Save NADcash is in effect! I sold a bass cab today for almost $500, here we come! :kickass:
MadeInNewJersey said:
it's been 265 million forever & a day, i've never heard the 295 million number

that's an estimate but the 265 million figure is still outdated what with the 2000 census
The Census rules because when they start knocking on Señor Poncho's door they always forget to count the 19 cousins hiding in the treehouse out back.
lizard said:
or you can move to columbus and pay ballpark 5-600 per mo. and be in a vibrant, liberal city situated within a vast sea of rednecks and corn

yeah, columbus is underrated (more like off-the-radar)

unfortunately i live in that vast sea of rednecks and corn (and amish)... god i fucking hate wooster... get me out of this hellhole!