Guilt Machine

May 9, 2003
I was bored while surfing the net when I suddenly realized I hadn't looked at what was going one with Arjen Luccassen/Ayreon in a very long time. Lo and behold I come to find that he not only announced a new project called Guilt Machine much earlier this year, but also that it just recently released in Europe.

This project is different from Ayreon in that their is only one vocalist, but also that this vocalist comes from an alternative rock background. Also, the drums this time around come from a former Porcupine Tree drummer.

I checked some of the stuff out and it sounds sort of familiar, but also quite unique from an Ayreon album. I figured there are probably some here that might take a liking to the sound of this album, especially those that may have thought the last Ayreon effort was a bit too cheesy lyrically.

There are only like 6 or 7 tracks on the album but they are all at the 10-13 minute mark except one song that is just over 6 minutes. It seems all the tracks are on youtube; however, I felt that this sample trailer would suit better for a taste of the album as a whole since the songs are all so long.

Heard it, thought it the most boring of his works. It's just... uninspiring, halfassed, unoriginal. The riffs and effects are lifted off of the last Ayreon. The lyrics are mired in diffuse conception.
Wasn't there a thread about this? Or was it just a post perhaps.

Anyway it doesn't sound interesting at all. Ken covered most of it but I'll add I don't like the vocalist very much either. Strained and boring.
I've never been a big Arjen fan...his stuff doesn't have that spark in it for me, I guess. But all the same I wish the project success. :)
The intro sounded pretty cool... but once again, an overall unappealing album to me. I find his albums to be exactly like what Ken said. They are predictable, unoriginal, and for me, just boring.
Heard it, thought it the most boring of his works. It's just... uninspiring, halfassed, unoriginal. The riffs and effects are lifted off of the last Ayreon. The lyrics are mired in diffuse conception.

Ironically enough, you were of all people someone I kind of thought might actually take a liking to it. Oh

From what I have heard it sounds alright; however, not much more than background music for the most part. While there are pieces of it that do sound like they were ripped from the last Ayreon album, there are a lot of parts I think sound a lot different from Ayreon. The vocalist is different but I think his voice doesn't change up enough and so it can get old and tiring pretty quickly. I also think that guitar solo that Lori plays in the above trailer sounds very cool and different from any other solo I have heard; however, it could be the one highlight solo of the album.
As I said in the OT thread, it should've been titled along the lines of "Ayreon: The Lost Tapes" because it recycles far too much. Arjen's projects require a good amount of time to stew and this album didn't have that luxury.
I'll be checking this album properly when I have time in any case. I want to hear what kind of drumwork Chris Maitland is providing.

Judging by that clip, it sounds quite a lot like Ayreon with only a one singer and non-story lyrics. Apparenly they're written by Lori Linstruth (the guitarist).
I quite like some of the parts, but I can't get into the vocals. Some interesting textures and soundscapes to sink into but the vocal persona doesn't fit...I keep getting reminded of Bono/U2 and Coldplay and stuff like that, and I can't stand those bands. The guy is a very good singer but it just doesn't work for me in this setting.
After the first listen I didn't like it so I've been trying to get into it but it just isn't meant to be. It's a shame because I like a lot of Ayreon songs, maybe Arjen should have done another one of these? Meh
I personally love Ayreon's works. I think Twisted Coil and Perfection are really great tracks

though I admit some of the others are far less inspiring. What I never got about Ayreon is why people love The Human Equation so much? Maybe its the emotions things but personally I loved the stories tied between The Electric Castle/Universal Migrator/01011001

but hey personal opinion; if anything makes Guilt Machine work its gotta be Jasper Steverlincks vocals, those are amazing.
I'm a big fan of Arjen's early works with Ayreon. Recent albums, not so much. But this just sounded uninspired and boring. I also think the singer has nothing special, he sounds... very average :/

Lori Linstruth's solo was the best part from that trailer.