guilty pleasures

CaGeD iN

Wandering on Ypres Rd.
im sure everyone has some stuff that sound really stupid that they listen to, post it

i'll start:
jimmy eat world, sweetness
murder by death - pillars of salt (good track actually)
the exorcist theme
random electronica
a little rap :oops: only 8 tracks
brothers four - greenfields (really good acoustic song that is ancient)
a lot of classic rock(50 - 100 tracks)
killers - when you were young (idk it isnt that bad...)
silent hill music
a LITTLE nu-metal
way too much metalcore

kinda sad. name yours
I don't really have any "guilty" pleasures, I'll listen to any style/band as long as its good, but I get the gist of the topic of this thread. (sorry, thats the wanna-be lawyer in me coming out :lol:)

heres a list of bands that when people hear I listen to they go 'wtf?' :

The Coors
Method Man
Green Day
*steps up onto soapbox*

I've never understood why people would consider themselves as having guilty pleasures. I embrace everything I listen to, not equally but I don't deny what I like. I can listen to say Drudkh or Dissection, but I can also listen to Chumbawamba or Blink 182. There's no shame in liking what you like.

*steps down off soapbox, gets pelted with rocks*
i can honestly say that i am not ashamed of any of the bands i listen to. i enjoy Dr. Dre's 90's gangsta rap stage along with NWA and Public Enemy (that is courtesy of GTA San Andreas), i also LOVE the band Belle & Sebastian, for those that know who they are.
Ok Go
Daft Punk
Random songs that my friends will send me.
Hmm... Does classical or OSTs count?
And does classic rock really count? Cause I will be damned before I admit that it is "unmetal" to listen to stuff like the Beatles.
Classical and OST most certainly do not count, but then again i've already mentioned that i don't view any of the stuff i listen to as a guilty pleasure.

the LOTR soundtracks are gold and so are the Metal Gear Solid sountrack (2 and 3 especially)
i don't consider them guilty pleasure but along with all the metal i listen too i'm also a huge fan of Indie rock. i also like bands such as The Used and Hawthorne Heights. if it sounds good to my ears i listen too it
i like tori amos and kate bush


i really never want to admit this but my wife has the fall out boy cd, and wether i want to or not i find myself bopping along, damn is that band catchy sometimes.
well im not really ashamed of it, i just wonder what everyone else listens to, today i listened to just 4 tracks all day
hypocrisy - eraser
thine eyes bleed - cold victim
boston - dont look back
skillet - whispers in the dark

i read a review on ND and paul (ithink) said he even likes country and all that, i mean if people listen to only metal, and none of the acoustic stuff or anything like that, i dont think they appreciate music enough to be called metalheads
I like a lot of metalcore, don't really care, its entertaining. I also really like Coheed and Cambria, great band. And a lot of non-metal stuff, like grunge, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, though those are quality bands, so not really "guilty pleasures"