guitar amp: line out?


Jul 21, 2006
hi everyone. I am trying to figure which output to use on my krank revolution 1 to record the raw unbiaised sound that will be then processed with impulses. I tried the line out, the fx send and the line out of my weber mega dump.

when directly plugged into my audio interface, the signal is so low, like you barely even hear anything. i then normalize it, but as you can guess, there is a lot of noise and the sound is a little muddy, as if it was losing a lot in the highs.

I tried different things, like going directly into my audio interface or processing the sound through my mixer, but that one seems to pervert the sound even more.

has anyone experience with this, or any idea?
I run my 5150 combo efx out into a preamp, then into the sound pretty well..
yeah, i read a lot of people here who have a 5150 do that and it works great. i do the same with my triaxis and it is fine too. but it won't do it that smoothly with the krank, or so it seems. i'm sure i'm missing something.
mh, I guess I solved my problem in simply runing the signal through a DI. It adds like 40db.