Guitar and bass and kick and stuff <3


Feb 13, 2011
Hey, How you do?


bass and kick
Guitar fizz

As we all know, it's a subject that has been discussed on this forum multiple times. Bass and Kick relationships.

So my kick's thump lies somewhere around 64ish. So I have that common problem with the mud competition.

I high-pass the bass track at around 70-80hz. But then when I listen to my mix, it lacks low end.

So what if I instead, just use 2-3 instances of EQ plugin, and take away the 64hz with a narrow Q. So that would be three EQ plugins taking away ALL 64hz then High-pass at 50hz.

What do you guys think of this tactic? Should I be getting enough low end with the 80-120hz area?

Next section: GUITAR FUZZ

Another common issue us mixing people face.

So I use podfarm: TS-CH-TP-C

I use narrow Q to take away 4khz. Get rid of some fuzz baby!
But then I find myself cutting at 8khz too to get rid of more fuzz. Anyone else doing this? I usually have to do a highshelf because a lot of highend and sparkle get cut out.

Anyone doing this tactic?


To rap it up, my main question. When I take away 64hz or 4khz. I use a narrow Q and cut it completely out. Then I go to my Analyzer, and notice that the frequency still remains. It's less, but still there. Now I would do three instances of EQ to cut it out more and more. Is there a more simpler way to do this without having to take up more CPU?
If you're using Reaper you can use ReaFir in subtract mode to completely remove frequencies. Although I think for what you're doing you should just use an eq with a sharp q. You don't need to completely remove those frequencies, just lower them to make room for other stuff.
Not necessarily. Almost. My Warlock produces quite a bit of fizz. In order to tame the fizz, I increase the treble all the way on the amp head, then I Cut out 4k (all the way) and 8k (all the way). Then I do this two more times using an EQ plugin. And it starts to sound better. I was kind of wondering if anyone else has to eq that much out.
Hey, How you do?

I high-pass the bass track at around 70-80hz. But then when I listen to my mix, it lacks low end.

Whenever my bass track lacks low end, I don't reach for an eq and boost the section, instead I reach for a plugin like Rbass.
I don't think I would start with turning my treble all the way up. When I dial in a new tone on a new guitar, I start with everything at noon and adjust from there until it sounds good, then surgical/color EQ and post-processing.
I might buy Rbass in a few weeks. So for now I will wait on that. Thanks Jeff.

Hm, when I cut out the 4k and the 8k it's killing a lot of the high end. So I go to the amp head, and I boost treble. You are saying you wouldn't do that?

EDIT: Oh I see what you are saying. What I should be doing is getting a tone with less fizz to begin with, so I am not having to surgical deduct all that much.
About the guitar fizz, on the amp head I use really low treble* to reduce that fizz and i bring some of that clarity back through eq around the 5kHz-7kHz area.

*for treble its usually set at about 40-50%, Presence is usually a little bit higher than the treble.