Guitar cabs?


Active Member
Jul 31, 2002
Alright, I planned on getting a Marshall 1960a cab. Here's my problem. My friend tells me that those particular Celestion speakers don't handle bass too well. I was looking at some other cabs and I was recommended one of the Mesa Boogie Recto 4x12s. I know they're a bit more expensive, but it's worth the wait if it is a better cab. I really don't plan on playing in C, nor do I want that much bass for the music I want to play, but just in case I do later, I want the ability to do so. Now comes to my questions. Is the Marshall 1960a really that bad on the lows? Is the Mesa Boogie much better in terms of quality of sound? I plan on playing thrash with standard tuning, but I want the ability to create a Nile/Dying Fetus sound if I need it.
I'd go with the Mesa cabs. I've never particulalry liked the sound of marshall cabs... For rock and metal, they're very solid, but going to extreme metal, you'll probably want Mesa, Bogner, etc...

It's more to do with speaker selection, but the cab does play a significant role in bass response and tightness... as well as everything else from your pickups, to your amps, and if you want to get picky, your cables too.
I have a peavy cab sounds great with the Marshall jcm 2000. it has sheffield speakers, really bassy and deadly!!! makes me want to growl till i vomit!!
I found a Mesa cab used but in good condition. I just need to know if the Celestion Black Shadow speakers are good. I've never heard any Celestion speakers (except for the speakers used in the Marshall 1960AV model, sounded good). One more question.. how hard is it to install new speakers if I bust one or want to buy better models?