Difference in Celestion Vintage in Randall, Mesa, Marshall cabs


Oct 5, 2003
I hear alot of people say that a Randall cab equiped with Celestion Vintage speakers sounds brighter than others, while a Mesa equiped with Celestion Vintage speakers sounds darker than others.

What's up with that, do they use the very same Vintage elements, or are there different versions, and where do the good old Marshall cabs stand here, somewhere in between?
Given the same speakers for each cab (you do know there are diffrent types of celestions) each cab is going to sound diffrent....this has to do with a whole bunch of things in the way the cab is built....material, structure, measurments, etc all effect the way the sound moves around......it might have an effect of taming the lows or highs....
Does the way a cab is built affect close-micing too or only distant micing?

I mean, would a close-miced Mesa cab still sound darker then a close-miced Marshall cab even when both cabs had the same speakers in them?
if you wanna keep it purely relative to mesa and marshall both with v 30's then............

marshall- not as many lows, slightly more midrange(mids, and hi mids)
slightly tighter than mesa.

mesa- darker, more low end (low mids I notice as much as anything)
slightly more 'scooped sounding'. Highs/presence is more noticeable.... i.e the mesa can be perceived as being more 'hi fi'.

try both, and record both. that's the only way you'll know. If that is not possible both will get the job done..................... however

judging from your previous clips and descriptions I would say stick to the marshall with gt75's. It's tighter, more fizzy, more scooped and better suited to an agressive meshuggah-esque chug.
I actually opened up my cab and to my suprise there was Celestion G12-80 Classic Lead inside...so that's what I recorded my soundclips with.

I did' check out a Marshall Cab with G12T75 speakers in and it sounded really really really really bad, no crucnh at all...no high-mid-crisp. It sounded like sh*t actually, kinda distant, tucked-in, far away...just horrible....I like a moore open sound, so either newer Classic Lead, Vintage30 or those new Celestion Century. I heard they even have Century Vintage.....

Anyone tried those new Celestion Century's? I heard some clips and they sounded good, never tried them myself, though...
blackcom said:
I did' check out a Marshall Cab with G12T75 speakers in and it sounded really really really really bad, no crucnh at all...no high-mid-crisp. It sounded like sh*t actually, kinda distant, tucked-in, far away...just horrible....

I recently recorded a guitar player with one of those cabs and a Line6 Head... :yuk: