Guitar DI with Podfarm


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
hey fellas. so ive been messing with podfarm quite a bit trying to find that right tone and just cant seem to find it. i use a presonus firestudio tube as my interface. and i plug directly in with my guitar(horrible), so my question is this, why do i get feedback when i try to play in podfarm? i have to turn the 'in' down on the noisegate that is in the top left of the podfarm screen, and then, because that is turned down the guitar tone is completely awful. any tips? a high pass helps, but its not completely better. thanks.
First adjust the input on your firestudio tube so the hardest peaks of your guitar playing doesn't peak. Then adjust the noise gate to the point it starts to cut a little too much, then turn in the opposite a little bit - normally that should be good. What do you have as a guitar?

Pod tones tend to be a little harsh in the high-mids/highs, so indeed, good tone has to do with post-processing too (LP/HP, then some cuts and slight boosts).
Thank you so much for responding, i am definitely going to do what you said. and i don't even want to tell you what i have, its an epiphone special.

dont hate, i was like 10 and bought it instead of a ps2. im not exactly going to get a good sound out of this i've already learned such. but hey, ill work with what i got.
First adjust the input on your firestudio tube so the hardest peaks of your guitar playing doesn't peak. Then adjust the noise gate to the point it starts to cut a little too much, then turn in the opposite a little bit - normally that should be good. What do you have as a guitar?

Im still not getting it right. maybe these will help. shot 2011-07-19 at 11.07.47 AM.png?w=9f320285

my noise gate on Podfarm. im getting feedback when im not even playing the guitar there. shot 2011-07-19 at 11.08.15 AM.png?w=2c5bda74

my EQ, im not sure if i could be doing something better but i have a high pass at 90 hz and a cut at 4000 hz.
sounds like your not using a direct in, i had the same issue when i just tried to plug into the 1/4 jack on my interface but it wasnt a DI input so the thing kept giving feedback,

possible your in the wrong input or need to switch it to direct...
i have 2 'super channels' in the front of my fire studio and the other normal inputs are on the back, should i try those in the back first, and if no luck get a direct box?
i have 2 'super channels' in the front of my fire studio and the other normal inputs are on the back, should i try those in the back first, and if no luck get a direct box?

on my interface i have a channel with a switch saying mic/line, you want a line input

the impedance of the guitar is considered Hiz (if i remember correctly) look to see if you have "Line" or "instrument" imputs
ahhh got it. thanks so much. it sounds a lot better. the only thing is, the 'in' on the noise gate in podfarm is like all the way up. and when i record something it doesnt show and audio waves. but it does play it back like normal. hm.

so they are both zoomed in as far as they can go, the top one is one i recorded, and the other one is a track i got from this forum, somebody posted a 'mixing practice' link and this is the clean guitar. why does mine have barely any waves?
when your recording you should average in the yellow on the meter, your not recording in an insert jack are you?

no sir, im recording straight into one of the line inputs. but my interface doesnt have volume adjustments for the line ins, only the XLR ins.