Guitar & Drums Mix (with subkick action)


Mar 11, 2008
Hi, I tried to mix the old stuff I had from a band I recorded (first one ever ;) ).
We will rerecord it, but I just wanted some more "mixing practice" :)
Critique and help wanted. (and YES they wanted a fucking hughe booooooooom ^^, so here they are)
Thank you.

signal chain:
Guitars Powerball through Engl standard cab (dual mic, 1 sm57 about 1cm left of the cone, 1 sm57 about 6 cm right of the cone). Will use different Amp settings next time (too many mids).

The drummer is a cheap asshole. Sabian B8 cymbals, a completely DETUNED set with about 3 year old skins.
And the fucking hammer: he has to sit very low .... (even if he is almost 2meter big) BECAUSE his fucking floortom is only held together by fucking duct tape!
When I saw this he used my set (basix, so nothing special). Here, I used samples. Next time I might have a good BD mic, if not I will trigger it.
The drummer is a very heavy hitter, exept for the snare, I think he wants to fondle it instead of hitting ..... well next time I will know better ;)
Ah I wandered from the subject ..
Well Thomann T.bone drums all over the place (the cheapest :rolleyes:) I told them to get drum mics, because I didn't have anything apart from the sm57. Next time I will know better and get some myself.