Guitar feedback on an podxt pro (same old question)...


New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2008
Hey guys,

sorry to repeat a question that has been asked a million times, but i cant find the threads anywhere and the search function for "pod" isnt allowed in this forum and "feedback" yields a billion results :(


a band im recording this weekend want to have guitar feedback at the beginning of a song - but want to go through my podxt pro - how do i achieve such a thing?

well what i have done, is to just hold the guitar up 2 the speakers with pod on....and turn off the noise gate

hope it helps
''Just run him live through your studio monitors and turn it way the fuck up. I do it all the time along with normal feedback to get different flavors.''

I finally did that, but i had to turn off the click because I was hearing the click in the feedback track