Guitar Gear Reviews


Nov 7, 2006
Hey guys,

I've been on this forum for a little under a year, and I love it. But I thought it would be cool to start a blog about guitar gear. User ratings, favorite settings, all that fun stuff in a centralized place. But what I need is YOU guys to supply me with YOUR review of your favorite amps. The info I want is your rating based out of 10, favorite settings for each style of music you play, where did you buy it, what cab you are playing it through, if you swapped out tubes and with which ones, and anything you feel will be necessary. With guitars, what pickups you use, strings (included gauge, with what style of music), any modifications, any drawbacks, etc. Please email your reviews at I will post the blog when it actually has some content on it. Spread this to anyone you know that would be helpful. Thanks guys!