guitar guys -- i need help


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
this is an inappropriate forum to post the question probably, but i don't post on any other forums... so

i have a new amp, it's got 4, 8 and 16 ohm outputs. i have a crappy cab that i'm borrowing and nowhere on it does it say what impedance it is, so what should i try? i mean, what is the "safest" way? right now i think i have it connected to the 8 ohm out but would 4 be safer? is there a volume difference? thanx for info
Can you get your hands on an ohmmeter? Anyone you might know who does construction/electrical/home repair work would have one.
yeah, i know. not sure i know anyone with an ohm meter, which is strange when i think about it

there are some manly-type things i should own because i keep wanting to do things that require them: a multimeter, real screwdrivers, and a big bottle of rubbing alcohol. i do not own any of these things and i'm not sure why. i finally did get myself a working soldering iron though
Soldering is an art form, but a few hundred tries and then its like riding a bicycle blind-folded with a raging monkey on your back... still difficult, but easier somehow
i mainly just fix guitar and mic cables and things like that and it is not really rocket science

but none of this is helping with my problem!!!
Multimeter would be ideal, of course. If you can take a look at the back of the speakers by pulling them out of the cab, you could find out from there what you're working with. Granted, if you're working with a solid state amp (which I'm guessing) 4 (EDITING HERE BECAUSE I WAS BEING A DIPSHITTY CUNT) your amp may be pushing out more wattage (very extremely likely the case) which, not knowing what the speakers limits are, could be a disaster for the speakers.

Then again, if your amp didn't start smoking and the speakers didn't scream after a bit of a play session, chances are you should be good at 8.

Edit: Lemme try to clarify this whole shit a bit,

At 8 ohms output, your amp is outputting less wattage (not being sure what your amp is or the outputs can't say by how much) to the cabinet. At 4ohms, you're going to push out more wattage... but if you're running into a 4 ohm cabinet with an 8 ohm output, resistances fire shit electrical aids.

Edit #323:

Really, multimeter or open that cab up and identify for safest bet on both the cab and the amps future
hey thanx for the help. i now use another cab tho so i solved the problem by just not using this awful mystery speaker. but naw my amp isnt ss it is a 15w all tube head

oh and not even the back of the elements say shit, this beast is from the 70's and really weird
I broke a low E restringing my guitar the other day. Fortunately I bought a 3-pack haha.
lol @ Tully

@Erik: haha, yeah, I couldn't believe it. Next time I'll get it on video