I'll soon have a framus 2x12 cab, that comes with preloaded 16ohm v30, but I also have a pair of 8ohm v30s. My poweramp is a solid state marshall 8008, and rated at 4 ohm. As far as I can understand (please correct me), the cab ohm rating should be as close as possible to the power amp rating, but never under it (for a solid state power amp at least). Two 16ohm speakers in parallel would give 8 ohm, and two 8 ohm speakers would give 4 ohm. So, math talking, I should use the 8 ohm speakers, right? But! checking prices online, I saw that the 8 ohm are about 100 euros each, and the 16 ohm at about 125! Why is there such a difference in price? All info appreciated.