Guitar help needed - BC Rich!


Dec 17, 2001
This is Scott, guitarist of The End Records band, Scholomance. I am posting this here because obviously you guys are guitar maniacs! A friend and I are looking for a handful of early-mid 80's USA Made BC Rich guitars within the US or Canada. If you can help us track them down in good & original condition and we end up with even one of the guitars -in our possession-, we'll pay you up to $100 cash or $100 worth of cds from The End's Omega just for hooking one of us up with the person selling the guitar, whether it be a store where you live, a friend, a musician, whoever. All you have to do is keep your eyes open in your local music stores, pawn shops, and guitar shows. You can post Wanted ads in your local guitar stores, etc. These guitars are not easy to find in good shape but they are out there. We have ebay covered and most of the internet classifieds and boards as well as all the major and many minor internet BC Rich dealers. We just need some people who are out there on the street that can help out. If you are willing to lend a hand, please shoot me an email at and I will let you know precisely what to look for. Many thanks!
