Guitar Help!


Dec 22, 2005
this part is for lefties:what guitars do you own/recommend to buy?

i ask this cuz obviously we have a more limited selection and im planning to buy a nice one soon. I currently have an RG1570, so what do you thin kwould be a good step up, in the range on $1500-2000?

for all:
amp advice(preferably tube) within the same price range would be appreciated too!
K-z-H said:
for all:
amp advice(preferably tube) within the same price range would be appreciated too!

5150 (6505) or Mesa Dual Rectumfrier with an OD pedal in front. The Engl Fireball fucking rules if you don't mind running a low stage volume - it's only 50 watts.
metalkingdom said:
5150 (6505) or Mesa Dual Rectumfrier with an OD pedal in front. The Engl Fireball fucking rules if you don't mind running a low stage volume - it's only 50 watts.

those all sound good, but arent they fucking expensive?! and also i would need something that doesnt have to run at insanely high volumes to sound at its best cuz ill prob be in my dorm room, is that what you meant with the Fireball?

what do these cost about, and are they combos or half stacks?
You can score those amps in the $1500 - $2000 range easy. Yeah, you don't have to turn the Fireball up too loud to get a great sound. But if this is a "bedroom amp", then you should consider the 5150 combo. That thing is probably the best metal combo ever made.
Good guitar step up? Jackson Soloist SL-2H. Available left-handed.

Amp wise, the 5150/6505 is reasonable used ($5-700 range for a head, $1000 for a halfstack if bought wisely). However, if you're only going to be in your dorm room and not playing in a band, I'd go with one of the Roland Cube series modeling amps. Cheap, and they sound good at low volumes.
dorm amp huh? get the Roland micro cube thing. its like 100 bucks, and i hear it sounds great... plus its like 6 x 6 x 6 inches
If you're working with a $1k+ budget, I'd skip the Roland and get a real amp. 5150 combo can't be beat. It's loud enough to gig with, too - although it's one heavy motherfricker.

E-Aeolian - you play Jackson? After 20 years of playing Ibanez, I bought a SLSMG (gloss black) last October and I'm kicking myself in the ass for not playing Jackson from the get-go!
metalkingdom said:
E-Aeolian - you play Jackson? After 20 years of playing Ibanez, I bought a SLSMG (gloss black) last October and I'm kicking myself in the ass for not playing Jackson from the get-go!

Yeah, I'm an endorser. I played the sixes for a long time, and my main guitar now is a USA Custom Shop Soloist 7 String. I think they're the best guitars for the money out there. The SLSMG is a very cool axe - I've thought about picking one up for my cover band, especially now that they come with "real" EMGs.
well thanks for all the help... im leaning towards the 5150 combo, cuz i guess i do want a "real" amp after the shit Marshall MG10CD, but does it sound good at low volumes? and also i will prob be gigging with it.

@eaolian-what do u mean "wisely"? like second-hand or what?

also, if i had to decide between upgrading guitar or amp, what would you guys recommend?
By "wisely" I do mean used, although the combos are a little harder to come by used. They only start to sound good when you get REALLY loud, though - I like my Mesa at low volumes, but the 5150 I used to use at rehearsal just sounded OK down quiet - and turned into a fire-breathing beast when it got loud.

If you're not gigging, well, that's a good question. The Ibanez you have is a pretty decent guitar (although not my personal cuppa, they are well made), but you won't really be needing an amp to play loud with unless you're a.) looking to join a band at school, or b.) looking to impress the chicks. ;)

So I'd say guitar, but I'm a stickler for good guitars. :lol:
depends on how good or bad your guitar is.

When it comes to guitars, I'm an ESP / LTD guy :-D I dont like Ibanez, but I would recomend that Jackson or a Schecter, they makes the C-1 Artist and the Omen 6 for leftys too.
well actually I am looknig to get a band started, ill be in boston so shouldn't be any shortage of players(i hope) and well my ibanez isnt bad at all, but i was looknig for something better looking and with better pups without sacrificing playability.

btw, do all jackson pro series come with painted necks or oiled?
if you enjoy playing the ibanez, just put better pickups in it, thats what i did with my ESP, first guitar I ever got, i love it, but the pickups blew, so i dropped some EMGs in there, and it sounds great!
K-z-H said:
well actually I am looknig to get a band started, ill be in boston so shouldn't be any shortage of players(i hope) and well my ibanez isnt bad at all, but i was looknig for something better looking and with better pups without sacrificing playability.

PUs are easy to change - I've changed them in most everything I've ever owned. If you're looking for a band, upgrade your PUs and get a 5150/6505 half stack and a THD Hotplate. As a plus side, you'll have the warmest room in the dorm in the winter!

K-z-H said:
btw, do all jackson pro series come with painted necks or oiled?

The Pro bolt-ons (except for the COW and COW-7) come with "satin finish" necks that feel sort of like oiled necks, similar to what Ibanez does. (In fact, the Jackson "Pro" guitars are all made in Japan - only the USA Select are made in Cali.) The neckthrus have standard painted necks, except for the SLSMG, which has either a satin finish or oil - I can't remember which, it's been a while since I played one.

I'd like a DK2M, myself, but I don't really need it.
sorry, i meant to ask about the USA select anyway. and replacing the stocks with emgs sounds good with the 5150/6505 and the attenuator. but about that, is a half stack ba better idea than a combo and how hot will the hot plate actually be?!
K-z-H said:
well thanks for all the help... im leaning towards the 5150 combo, cuz i guess i do want a "real" amp after the shit Marshall MG10CD, but does it sound good at low volumes? and also i will prob be gigging with it.

@eaolian-what do u mean "wisely"? like second-hand or what?

also, if i had to decide between upgrading guitar or amp, what would you guys recommend?

I've got an old - 8 yrs - 5150 combo that just needs tubes and some TLC that I would be more than willing to sell at a reasonable price. It is the real deal tho...loud, heavy and mean as a snake! Not the greatest studio/practice rig but I played some pretty big rooms with it and it never let me down. I'd like to sell it cause I haven't used it nearly 4 years and it's just collecting dust now, when it should be rocking!
K-z-H said:
sorry, i meant to ask about the USA select anyway. and replacing the stocks with emgs sounds good with the 5150/6505 and the attenuator. but about that, is a half stack ba better idea than a combo and how hot will the hot plate actually be?!

All of the Selects come with painted necks but the DK1 and SL2ATQH, IIRC. (Maybe some of the WR1s don't...) The DK1 oiled neck is almost identical to the '80s Dinky necks, which I love. (My main 6 string is an '88 Dinky.)

The attenuators put out some heat, but not any more than the head will. In a band situation, I like halfstacks better for projection, but the 5150 combo does have a closed-back cab, so it should be fine, and plenty loud. I think you can still use the attenuator with the 5150 combo, since I think there's a spaker jack and cable connection.
K-z-H said:
those all sound good, but arent they fucking expensive?! and also i would need something that doesnt have to run at insanely high volumes to sound at its best cuz ill prob be in my dorm room, is that what you meant with the Fireball?

what do these cost about, and are they combos or half stacks?

The Fireball sounds good at low volume, but it can get fucking loud. I haven't had trouble hanging with 100 watt heads, but I'm sure that if the other guy was runiing wide open, it would be a bit louder than mine wide open.
The Fireball goes for $1200 new in the US.
As a fellow left-handed guitarist, I'd say it depends on what kind of sound you want, personal preference, and feel of the guitar. Of course, its mostly from the amp that you'll get your sound.

My suggestion would be something Gibson. Les Paul, SG. you can get them for around $1200. If you'd rather go with something different, then I'd suggest more of a push towards Peavey Wolfgangs. If you get the Well-Made American ones, you'll fall in love. Carvin Guitars are also very rich sounding, with some great pickups. I'd say to stay away from BC Rich, ESP, and Fender. Usually it comes down to personal preference.

I'd also suggest to drop in some EMG's, regardless of which guitar. Sometimes if you get an authentic Gibson, you'll be fine, but I'd still suggest the EMG's. Carvin guitars seem to be the only ones I'd suggest to keep the original pickups. If you're cheap, like me, keep your Ibanez (I love their necks, I also own an Ibanez) and just replace the pickups with EMG's.