Guitar Help!

BC Rich lately I'll agree with - since the company moved to PA, the USA guitars are VERY spotty. ESP are fine (not the LTDs, but the real Japanese ESPs), but they're god-awful expensive. Just buy the USA Jackson they ripped off for less monry. :lol:
eaeolian said:
BC Rich lately I'll agree with - since the company moved to PA, the USA guitars are VERY spotty. ESP are fine (not the LTDs, but the real Japanese ESPs), but they're god-awful expensive. Just buy the USA Jackson they ripped off for less monry. :lol:

wow.. Will uses only BC Rich, and I played a few of his warlocks and his beast and I must say I think they feel and play great.

and when it comes to LTDs... if it's under 400 dollars it probably sucks, but god damn i love my LTD, and I've played a dozen other's that also play wonderfully. (all of which were nicer models and cost between 500-1000)

Honestly, I've never been too impressed with Jackson. But they play wonderfully. The BEST guitar I have ever played... was my friend's old Peavey Predator. It was very similar to this one, only I think his is older tho.

Tempest said:
wow.. Will uses only BC Rich, and I played a few of his warlocks and his beast and I must say I think they feel and play great.

His are all the Korean ones, though, right? (Platinum series.) They're pretty good quality for the price range. I'm talking about the $1500+ USA guitars - their quality standards are not up the price range anymore.

Tempest said:
and when it comes to LTDs... if it's under 400 dollars it probably sucks, but god damn i love my LTD, and I've played a dozen other's that also play wonderfully. (all of which were nicer models and cost between 500-1000)

I've owned a couple, and played quite a few. The construction was fine, but the fretwork and hardware left something to be desired. (The hardware's come up a bit lately.)

However, it amazes me that people will pay $900 for a Korean Les Paul copy because it's got Hetfield's name on it when they can get a REAL (Studio, yes, but still real) Paul for $100 more, but, whatever.

Tempest said:
Honestly, I've never been too impressed with Jackson. But they play wonderfully.

I love the USA guitars. The "Pro" series (made in Japan) are good, but not as good as the early '90s ones were. This year's are certainly better, though, with upgraded hardware and pickups.

Honestly, if I were buying Korean, it would be Schecter right now - the frets have been excellent on all of them I've played, especially the current 7 strings.
haha, i had to get my fretts adjusted on my LTD once, wasn't too bad.

yeah dude, Schecter's rule.

I gotta get my hands on an older jackson pro series then and give it a try.
Tempest said:
I gotta get my hands on an older jackson pro series then and give it a try.

91-93, especially the neck-thrus, which were so good (and so close to the USAs) that they actually stopped production of them because they were cutting into USA sales.

However, the *real* Jackson experience is the USA guitars.
hey, is there any company other than jackson that makes the RRV shape in lefty WITH 24 frets, because i would buy the RR1 now that i have the money, but its just that if im spending that much i would want as close to exactly what i want...anyone one know of anything?
yea but they only have the shitty Alexi models, which are all out of proportion and ugly! so im kinda stuck, because i really want a rhoads v shape, and also dont have the money to get a custom
K-z-H said:
hey, is there any company other than jackson that makes the RRV shape in lefty WITH 24 frets, because i would buy the RR1 now that i have the money, but its just that if im spending that much i would want as close to exactly what i want...anyone one know of anything?

Yes, Jackson does, but only in their Japanese line. There are Japanese stores that will sell to the US, too, like Ishibashi and Ikebe.