Guitar Help


Jan 14, 2003
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How do I shred on guitar? I know about modes and stuff but i just cant get those awesome shred type solos. Any help would be apreciated
Haha..that's not a simple question!

You need a lot more than knowledge of modes...technique is absolutely number one for shredders. If you really want to shred, practice shred technique as much as you can. But shred is still kinda lacking in musicality...
Children of bodom is an awesome place to start (not that I can anyway shred) ... its easy to pick out small parts you like and learn them.. and there are alot of good tabs for them online.
Practice an hour a day and you'll get quite good in a few months. 3 years and you'll be a god. Maybe.

You just need dedication.
:hypno: Mega bump. Should have asked in the musicians forum,and no-one can answer that, as you don't know what the future holds and everyone progresses differently. Although, having said that the general trend is you get better as time goes by.
You'll want to practise your picking. Do some metronome work; start out slowly and increase the speed gradually. Focus on getting it neat.
The P word is key.
And this is advice from someone who is light-years upon light-years away from anything remotely similar to shredding. :cool:

Whoever said "you just need dedication" obviously needs to brush up on the more intricate facts about human anatomy; not everyone has the fingers for it, dedication or not.