Ideas to help me shred better?


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
Ok .,.,ok.,.,ok.,.,.can anyone tell me some bands that i can listen to.,., so i can get some ideas on how to shred better (on guitar)..,.,or if any of ya'll play guitar and have some tips then that would be cool too.,.,im really into death metal solos .,.,just fast as balls.,.and leave you wanting to break some shit.,.,.i know they arent the best but i like em :spin:
.....................o.,.,o- peth?.,.,.,wuts that.,.,.,hehe kidding.,.yeah i heard of then.,.,.,wuts songs do u suggest.,.,.cuz the ones i downloaded werent what i was looking for.........
I would suggest Carcass for great leads, like the Album Necroticism, or Heartwork. But you were talking about Death Metal leads, which aren't very creative or skillfull. Just practice picking really fast with a metrodome.

Other Great bands with excellent guitar solos(Soilwork, In Flames, and Arch Enemy)

Opeth, is pretty damn far from shred in my opinion. Well there are the obvios guys like Yngwie Malmsteen, Satriani, and Vai.
STEVE VAI!!!!!!!!.,.,.,.,yeah.,.,.,he's crazy.,.,.yeah i like wut carcass did on heart work.,.,.just im not in the mood right now for melodic type of solo's.,.,.,.i rather do anger driven balls out ones.,.,.b/cuz there are too many bands around where i live that are doing in flames type of harmonizing and shit,.,.,im not bashing in flames.,.,.there's just other ways of approaching solo's.,.,.,
Check out
"Politics Of Ecstasy" by Nevermore
"Unquestionable Presense" by Atheist
"Cowboys from Hell"/"Vulgar Display of Power" by Pantera
"Unstoppable Force"/"Skeptics Appocalypse" by Agent Steel
All the Death albums
"Architecture of imagination" by Paralysis
"Fervent Dream" by Wolverine (they are more progressive, but do have shredding guitars)
"Doomsday for the Deceiver" by Flotsam & Jetsam
"Burnt Offerings" by Iced Earth (all of their first 3 albums will do for you).

That's all I can think of now. I will get back to you if i think of something else!
Yngwie who?.......................YNGWIE FUCKIN MALMSTEEN THATS WHO!.,.,.,.,hehe.,.,o yeah.,.,.crazy stuff.,.,.,he's is very damn good.,.,yeah im defintaly gonna check out some more stuff on Death.,.,.and Agent Steel.,.,.,.hmmm.,.,.yeah i've been all over Pantera.,.,mainly because of the tweakage he does,.,.,Emperor is awsome.,.,.im gonna try and follow alot of their stuff now.,.,thnx

Well here's what I learned about shredding and soloing in general, and it's helped me out a lot...

The key to playing fast is need a light touch on the fretboard. Practice your technique by playing scales to a metronome. Start slow, and gradually speed it up. Focus on playing properly, not just fast.

And for bands to listen to...all the above are good choices!