a guitar makers problem. help me brainstorm solutions

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
ok, here is the problem. for as long as pointy guitars have been made (warlock, rhoads and king v's, etc), we've had the problem of the finish chipping off the tips. ive been trying to think of possible solutions to prevent chipping.

here is my question. is there a way to make the tips stronger to prevent them from chipping. somthing that can be used on every pointy guitar including transparent finishes.

here are some ideas, but they cant be used on every guitar, and that is my problem. so consider these ideas stepping stones to a final solution.

1) metal plating on the corners. this could only work if you do a diamond plate or some sort of other metal finish top of the guitar ala ESP.
2) rubber coating under the paint that will match the color of the guitar. this will only work for paint colors and not transparent finishes. furthermore it wouldnt prevent the chipping, just make it less obvious

so what ideas do you have to solve this problem. and dont say "just be carefull" because that doesnt work. i have chips on all corners of my warlock and i dont know how any of them got there. and i always try to be extra carefull with my babies. so obviously the owners carefullness doesnt matter, we must think of other solutions

goodluck! :Spin:
1) The chipped paint is surely part of the appeal of a classic guitar?
2) Don't paint the guitar, just leave it in the original wood finish and varnish it - that looks fucking great anyway.
3) Dip it in a bath of liquid metal for 3 years like Joe Satriani did.
I agree with TakinTheMusicBack but..unfortunately if you have a cheap guitar and you chip it, it just looks even cheaper lol...

I have the same problem, in fact there was this once where my guitar case cover fell on the longest tip of my Jackson Kelly Star and took out a big chunk of wood. I felt like crying! I just glued it back on and repainted it, there's still a big crack there but there isn't much I can do...