Problem with reamping, HELP ME!!!


Count Blastula
Nov 20, 2009
A few days ago two piece of jewelry arrived home, a Countryman Type 85 D.I. box and a Cuniberti Reamp V2.

Today I tried them, when recording everything seemed fine, listening to the recorded track you can hear the obvious "unplugged" guitar sound, clipping at -3 dB, as suggested in the reamp thread.

But when I plug the output of my audio interface to the balanced input of the cuniberti reamp, and then from the reamp to the amp, the guitar lacks a lot of gain. Even if I put the cuniberti's trim to maximum!!!

The problem seems to disappear if I choose to make the recorded track clipping at +6 dB or more. When listening to the recorded track, everything is a mess, lots of distortion and hums. But when linking to the cuniberti and then to the amp, the gain is ok. There's little unwanted distortion, though.

So....what am I doing wrong? HELP ME!!!