Guitar hero good for you?


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Over the weekend I was playing guitar hero with a friend. I don't play games, self imposed ban a few years ago because I was wasting way too much time gaming. Anyway my friend told me that his brother, who happens to be one of the best guitarist I know, is also a wizard, 100% on expert mode type level, on guitar hero. It got me wondering if guitar hero is actually good for real guitar playing.

I have a vague recollection that someone mentioned this kind of thing on here once. So for the guitar heroes both real and virtual what's your verdict? Does it help your playing, make it worse, or make no difference at all?
I think it's more related with overall good coordination and fast thinking, my brother plays guitar and bass EXTREMELY well, and he is overall a killer gamer. Any game you give to him, and he masters it in no time.
I think it's more related with overall good coordination and fast thinking, my brother plays guitar and bass EXTREMELY well, and he is overall a killer gamer. Any game you give to him, and he masters it in no time.

That is pretty much spot on.

I have been playing guitar, bass, drums etc for about 14 years and I'm really good at just about every game I sit down and play.

As far as Guitar Hero, it didn't do anything but frustrate me at first, then I sat down and really got into it and can only play on expert now...
I think it's more related with overall good coordination and fast thinking, my brother plays guitar and bass EXTREMELY well, and he is overall a killer gamer. Any game you give to him, and he masters it in no time.

I challenge him at Mine Sweeper!!!

Imho it's the other way around, guitar playing helps you (especially at something like Guitar Hero)
your lefthand for example is way more experienced with weird moves ;)

I suck at both...
FWIW I was terrible, especially at first. Every note was early and I tried to go after notes that weren't there. A lot of fun though. I can really see the appeal for people that can't actually play an instrument, you really start to feel like your playing the music after a while.
maybe it helps your hand coordination if your only going to be using one string on a real guitar.
^^ completely agree, it doesn't come close to the real thing. Like I said before, basically unless your gonna be playing a whole song on one string using only 5 frets. It wont all.
GH is useless as guitar training tool IMO, how are you going to exercise articulation with it? Or picking technique for that matter? I'd rather spend time with real guitar if I wanted some more training.
Guitar hero fucks my brain.
I always want to switch strings and I go off the buttons lol
Been playing guitar for majority of my life.

Our drummer is pretty good at it, but he also plays guitar like he plays GH: 1 string, 5 frets ;)
He sucks at Band Hero with drums, or however that is called though.

I guess it's the same as with Singstar, Lips ect. I can get pretty high scores without even barely doing something that can be called singing.
But I guess beeing able to play the guitar, sing ect helps you more in the game then the other way around.
Pretty useless as practice for the real thing imo, they are 2 totally different things after all.
Imho it's the other way around, guitar playing helps you (especially at something like Guitar Hero)
your lefthand for example is way more experienced with weird moves ;)

I suck at both...

Yeah guitar playing definetly helps with coordination and so on, But i think if your mentally "fast" you can get pretty good at anything that has to do with coordination and combination of positions.

My brother is actually left handed but we only had a right handed bass at home so he forced himself to learn it this way, now he is ambidextrous and can actually do almost everything as good with both hands. (writing, drawing)
It's good at parties for a laugh, but not much fun otherwise. I always think of that South Park episode where the kid is clicking away and the record label agent goes "I LOVE this song!!!"