The Leper Affinity on Guitar Hero!?

A Fathomless Void Enclosing

The Amen Corner
Oct 18, 2008
okay, Im a big guitar hero fan, and an even BIGGER Opeth fan, just recently got into them last year but havent found one song off any album that i dont like.

Anyway, i came to and was reading the Biography chapters. On page 2 of chapter XI i saw this:

"We´d gotten the Guitar Hero game from a friend of mine at Blizzard entertainment. I looked at those toy guitars and though, "Come on now...I'm fucking 30 years old!". Yet, I got hooked, real hooked. And Mendez got really hooked as well. We played all the time. Even right before shows, which is not recommended! As we´re blasting into the first chords of "The leper affinity" we´re like... "What buttons should I push?". It was horrible!"

I wasnt sure which guitar hero, since i didnt know what date it was written or happened, but I didnt see any opeth at all on Guitar Hero 1,2, or number 3. So does this mean that "The Leper Affinity" would be on Guitar Hero: Would Tour?

If so, then no contest I will be getting that and not RockBand2.

EDIT: Ah shit, i realized how i just misread the entry. They had the guitar hero button mindset during live shows. Fuck, i was really hoping they would have Opeth on guitar hero...

well....I'm not sure if there is a point in this topic anymore.
Opeth is in Saints Row 2?! I never was into it but I used to like GTA and if Opeth is in it I might just go out and get it.

Nice sig btw. :)


(OT) just found it "Anthem" - Trivium
"Bat Country" - Avenged Sevenfold
"Colony of Birchmen" - Mastodon
"Milk Lizard" - Dillinger Escape Plan
"Nothing Left" - As I Lay Dying
"Ghosts of Perdition" - Opeth
"Stars" - Hum
"Resurrection" - Chimaira
"Unsung" - Helmet
"What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse" - The Black Dahlia Murder
"Redneck" - Lamb Of God
"Deadly Sinners" - 3 Inches of Blood
"Barnburner" - The Agony Scene
"Woman" - Wolfmother "

Lamb of God, Chimaira, Opeth, Helmet, Mastodon.....only ones i like out of there.
Euh, well I don't know anything about Guitar Hero and stuff, but isn't it so that people can make those things and put 'em online? ... I saw youtube clips of people playing Opeth songs on Guitar Hero ...
what you need:

modded ps2 (swap trick, google it)
burned gh2 modded//go to
download track files and synch up with mp3s

custom guitar hero.

as a matter of fact some of the opeth tracks were created by the world's greatest guitar hero player, and of course opeth is his favorite band.

I have a pack with 30 different tracks to it, fully modded. fun as hell to play
Well the song creator is actually going to be in World Tour, which is the next one coming out. hopefully some people will put together some opeth songs and stick them on marketplace since you can do that.
yo OP..

what he meant by that statement is that they played Guitar Hero so much when it's time to play LIVE on real guitars he said "which buttons to push"..

well, at least that's what I interpret that statement.
I think your arm would get a bit tired playing an opeth riff on guitar hero, with the same notes for like 16 bars. :lol:
DLC, that's where I'm hoping it will come in. I guess if you make enough noise, they'll put it in. Same thing happened with DT.
I'm sure if Opeth's management contacted the Guitar Hero guys it could be possible.. I mean they have an All That Remains song pack. And Colbert got his song on Rock Band 2 and it isn't even that good of a song, and has no guitar in it whatsoever.
guitar hero is retarded. i feel sorry for people who are 'good' at that game. its fun at parties or playing with friends ocassionally, but jeez...

I'm walls1441 and i approved this message.
I think the best bet for Opeth on any music game would be Rock Band. They already have some pretty heavy stuff on there, not to mention theyve already had a Roadrunner 3 track pack come out. So theres already some relationship formed between Harmonix and Roadrunner.

Guitar Hero is lame anyways and is going to get run into the ground just like the Tony Hawk games (Neversoft makes both). Activision has already admitted they are going to milk it for everything its worth and release more and more games. I guess quantity>quality?