guitar pickups...

He uses special Jackson pickups with special jacksons distortion booster called js200 or sth.
Ask Thillo, he know everytinhg. Btw, on this great, one and olny SOB site someone could do some shit about bodom guys equipement...
damn... he used to use it untill his guitar was stolen... dunno what does he uses now :D

And as for me, I was using a shitty pickup called Golden '50 by Shaller, but now, since 3months Im fully perverted about my EMG 81 pickup that gives me hell of sound :rock:
I dunno know bout Alexi's new guitar/s, but formely he used the J-50-BC Pickup and the JE-1000 gainboost preamp (wich is IN the guitar). Look here at the salesfolder from 1987, there you can find everything bout the Jackson electronics and pickups.
i have a bc rich virgin w/ stock pickups at the moment. im gonna replace them w/ either dual emg 81s or a duncan distortion in the bridge and something else
BodomiC said:
Btw, on this great, one and olny SOB site someone could do some shit about bodom guys equipement...

I already though in that. But I have not too much info (or perhaps I have too much....).

Someone can send me full detailed info / pics / etc? Remember, this site is opened to all the things cob fans wants..... so... c'mon doods ;)
Brand: Jackson
Body: Rhoads
Headstock: Jackson Pointy
Construction: Neck-trhu
Neck: maple with ebony fretboard.
Neck: Painted (on the black with yellow bevels)
Inlays: MOP Sharkfins
Frets: 24, Jumbo
Binding: Headstock and Neck
Binding color: White.
Bridge: Original Floyd Rose
Hardware color: Gold
Neck pick-up: N/a
Middle pup: N/a
Bridge pick-up: J50bc and JE1000(tg) preamp
Pick-up cover: yes
Controls: One volume, one small toggle for Gain Boost
Color: Black with Nuclear Yellow bevels, Black with white pinstripes
Barr WildChild said:
Brand: Jackson
Body: Rhoads
Headstock: Jackson Pointy
Construction: Neck-trhu
Neck: maple with ebony fretboard.
Neck: Painted (on the black with yellow bevels)
Inlays: MOP Sharkfins
Frets: 24, Jumbo
Binding: Headstock and Neck
Binding color: White.
Bridge: Original Floyd Rose
Hardware color: Gold
Neck pick-up: N/a
Middle pup: N/a
Bridge pick-up: J50bc and JE1000(tg) preamp
Pick-up cover: yes
Controls: One volume, one small toggle for Gain Boost
Color: Black with Nuclear Yellow bevels, Black with white pinstripes

Fuck you, that is great. Did you do that yourself or is this the "official" quoteform for Alexi's guitar?
I made it myself, but I'm sure the specs are correct.

I gathered the information from various places (guitar forums for example) and that is the list I come up with after double checking everything..