Guitar Pro 6 issue

Feb 8, 2012
In the studio
I'm not sure how many people are actually using version 6 but since I'm on a mac it's the only version of guitar pro that doesn't crash instantly for me without using a VM. Anyway, whenever I tab something so it plays more than one of the same note in succession like this:

E|0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| etc...

Every single note rings out making a horrible fade in effect. I guess it's not sending a note off signal until the last one, but is there any way to fix it? If not never mind I suppose but it's making it really hard to songwrite with :erk: I don't know why they changed the way MIDI plays back in this version when there was nothing severely wrong with 5 :confused:
an audio engineering forum is definitely the right place for question about guitar pro...

anyway fuck GP6, 5 is the best version
and fuck that annoying RSE thing, if you're gonna use MIDI for writing, use MIDI and get over it.

welcome to the forum
an audio engineering forum is definitely the right place for question about guitar pro...

anyway fuck GP6, 5 is the best version
and fuck that annoying RSE thing, if you're gonna use MIDI for writing, use MIDI and get over it.

welcome to the forum

You are really welcoming, hey :erk: It's in off-topic, there are things way less relevant to audio production on this forum and I know that a lot of people here use guitar pro so it was worth an ask. I would rather ask here than Ultimate Guitar or something, at least everyone seems knowledgable here.

I am using the MIDI sounds, too. I think that's the problem in the first place since RSE doesn't do it.
an audio engineering forum is definitely the right place for question about guitar pro...

anyway fuck GP6, 5 is the best version
and fuck that annoying RSE thing, if you're gonna use MIDI for writing, use MIDI and get over it.

welcome to the forum

Don't be a dickhead
an audio engineering forum is definitely the right place for question about guitar pro...

you were being sarcastic, but this is actually a fact at least on behalf of this forum.

guitar pro is a popular notation software especially among metal musicians. this is an audio production forum related to metal music, where the vast majority of us are musicians. i bet at least half of us use guitar pro. if i had a question about guitar pro, this place would be the very first i'd ask.
Is this occasionally or every time? This happens once in a while with gp5 for me, I just turn the playback off or shut the whole program down when it happens.
If it is every time I got no clue, tried different midi out? I've got a few different ones to choose from like the built in soundcards and my other external and they seem to behave differently.
On the left hand side, select the guitar icon.
Under "Play Settings" there should be a little tick box that says "Auto Let-Ring", make sure it is not ticked.
^ i know, i used to use it a lot, now only here and than...

but i really hate GP6, it's heavy on CPU and complicated and that's exactly the opposite of anything that's good with everything up to v5
in this case i would just downgrade, but hey whatever works for you mate :)

and oh that was WAY more friendly than what you would get if you open any noobish thread in the other sub-forums
type "how do mix drums" in the search engine :lol::lol::lol:
Is this occasionally or every time? This happens once in a while with gp5 for me, I just turn the playback off or shut the whole program down when it happens.
If it is every time I got no clue, tried different midi out? I've got a few different ones to choose from like the built in soundcards and my other external and they seem to behave differently.

It's every time, sadly. I only have "Software Synthesiser" and my interface's MIDI ports to choose from for MIDI out and Built In Output and my interface for Soundcard. It happens on both soundcards.

On the left hand side, select the guitar icon.
Under "Play Settings" there should be a little tick box that says "Auto Let-Ring", make sure it is not ticked.

It's not, but it sounds just like it is on repeated notes

^ i know, i used to use it a lot, now only here and than...

but i really hate GP6, it's heavy on CPU and complicated and that's exactly the opposite of anything that's good with everything up to v5
in this case i would just downgrade, but hey whatever works for you mate :)

and oh that was WAY more friendly than what you would get if you open any noobish thread in the other sub-forums
type "how do mix drums" in the search engine :lol::lol::lol:

I don't think my question is THAT bad, it's more of a software issue not just "lolsturgispresets? ¯\(°_o)/¯". It's hard to find much info on guitar pro 6 that isn't in French or people just saying that it sucks, I thought maybe you guys would know, since it's pretty much making it unusable and I will probably have to just keep using the Windows GP5 in a VM if I can't solve it :erk:

Just because I only registered a little bit ago doesn't mean I haven't been lurking longer than that, too :lol:
I hate V6 with a passion. They have fucking removed drum tab, and that was the best feature of this awesome piece of software that were V4/V5. I can write entire complicated songs and program drums there, and fine tune in my DAW.

And they removed that full feature, giving stupid explanations for doing so (they "needed new articulations that midi can't provide to deal with their drums". Come on, there were way enough midi notes available for that, and even S2.0 or SSD4 have half the midi notes unused).

If any of you has a way to have guitar pro 5 working on latest macosx version, I would erect a worship statue of him in my room because it seems even using an old GP5 doesn't work anymore. And those programmers seem like they only care about RSE banks, and don't even wanna talk about drum tabs anymore...

@Mishbang : did you change any setting ?

What if you export the midi, and import it in your DAW, now find the event list of your midi, does it countain anything special except the usual notes, track name, etc ?
You cannot write drum the same way as you write guitar tabs. For instance you cannot write "36" for a kick the way you want on the tab. You can only use the score now. The thing is that it's way slower using the score, and the copy/pasting is better dealt with and feels more natural in tabs than in the score line. I could write complicated drum rolls in drum tabs because I know by heart all the usual midi numbers (36, 38, 40, kick and snares, 42 closed hi hat, 46 open hi hat, 41 43 45 47 48 toms 49 57 crash 52 china etc etc) and also because the "edit window" in GP5 behaves a very natural way, and the rythm edition is fast using + and - and a few other keys around the numpad (on a PC keyboard though). Now all that have changed, and even the way the edition window follows the cursor feels a bit less natural to me (it would move more often if you're in certain settings, not like let's say microsoft Word who doesn't make your words move relatively to your screen while you type the next ones) but that other thing is more nitpicking.

It's fine if some people use the score, I can understand that, and I myself find it infinitely clearer to read than a GP drum tab obviously because those numbers are only midi notes for general midi, but removing the possibility completely is just annoying for those who used it. Some people find it easier with the score, but it's because they are not as used to the numbers as others are. Plus, the score has always existed, it's not like it's a revolution. Many people complained on their facebook or even on their forums (notably a lot of producers) but they wouldn't listen to them.

Sorry for hijacking the thread but I feel the need to rant each time I hear about V6 because it's a huge turn off :/
All good about the rant, I feel the same way. Anyway, I tried exporting the MIDI into my DAW and it plays fine, it's just a normal MIDI file as far as I can tell, no weird control changes or anything just notes and the tempo info. Here are the files from a random tab and the MIDI file to go with it if anyone cares: The Gates - Blinded By Fear.gpx The Gates - Blinded By Fear.mid

So what do you use then, LeSedna? Seems like you're in the same position as me.
I still haven't found my solution although I'm not in a writing process at the momen ; I open my GP files with tuxguitar for the moment but I wouldn't consider writing with it cause the ergonomy is not that awesome, and I still have a few crashes or bugs with it here and there, and I really miss the good old V4/V5 neck visual with easy to read notes. So it's either I go to my W7 dualboot just to write music, or install a virtualized W7 (or XP to make it lighter) in macos. I'll even use an old pc keyboard because I don't have the numpad on the mbp, and also cause the key map is not adapted otherwise. That or I use a 3rd party keymapper because in the end of the day GP doesn't need so many keys (numbers, + -, triplets, delete/create tracks or measures, and a few letters for legato/slide/pm etc)

Checked the midi (can't check the gp), it reads correctly in my quicktime player, so there must be a problem on the guitar pro settings.
I looked around the Customer support area but there doesn't seem to be any info on it. The kind of answers the developers are giving for reported issues are stuff like "We will look into it for GP6, will definitely be fixed by GP7" :erk: I'm going to delete everything and install it all over again and see if it works then, because I'm running out of ideas. Looked through every setting I can think of

EDIT: Nope