Guitar Pro Tab Conversion.. Any Kind Generous People Out There?

WarLord Aden

Ziltoidia Attaxx!!!
Jun 30, 2006
Derbyshire, England
Im still using the first GP5 version... i can't stand the newer versions, guitar tones are really sludgey and horrible.. i just stick with the original GP5 without using RSE drums...

but all the tabs nowadays on are all the newer version, i need to 'update my software'...

So is anyone willing to convert files into an older format for me and others to use?... it'd be a great help.

If anyone can be bothered, at the moment im wanting The Lotus Eater:

the one with a 5 star rating...

*finds some little orphan off the streets to give some kind of sympathy seeking watery eyed look*
I desactivated the RSE since the first time I heard it, it's useless IMO, I can learn the song with or without it.
I believe TuxGuitar will play GP3, GP4, GP5 as well as PowerTab files. It's free as well. The MIDI sounds like shit but what MIDI system doesn't?
I dont care that much about the RSE sound. I just picked one who sounded okay (Legend Tones -> Metal - Puppets that is). It sounds way better than midi.
They all sound too muddy for me, but it's ok, I just have to listen to them while I learn the song :p
They sound too "live", too "garagy" :D Shitloads better than MIDI, but with midi you can hear every note so you can understand what was tried to be written better
Also if I mess too much with RSE my shitty computer freezes :lol: that didn't happen with my old GP5 :mad:
Ok, we're talking about guitar pro so this confused me, Personal Message, or Palm Mute? :lol: