Guitar Pro


Dec 17, 2005
I need help on getting guitar pro 5 for free.I got guitar pro 4 and i love it its my favorite way to learn and tab music but i need gp5 can anyone help please?
enjoi17 said:
GP4 is still the best.

Actually, If you turn off RSE for the older tabs and generally for mixed tabs using instruments not included in the RSE banks, it's pretty much the same thing.
Else, you might experience synch problems. At least I do...
risnercharles said:
I need help on getting guitar pro 5 for free.I got guitar pro 4 and i love it its my favorite way to learn and tab music but i need gp5 can anyone help please?

Why not just buy it? Would you walk into a shop and take one off the shelf and stuff it in your jacket? Probably not, but its ok to steal it from the internet? It's not like it's expensive and the guys that make the program are hardly microsoft, downloading GP5 probably hurts those guys a lot more than you'd think.
Hey btw, does anyone know of a version of GuitarPro that works on Windows 98? So I can have GuitarPro on both my old and new computers, as it is awesome!
Well, the vast majority of the tabs are still .gp4 format so you'll manage with Guitar Pro 4 :p But still, I recommend GP5, and it's getting even better with future patches.

edit: oh, we actually started to accept .gp5 just now. I've been living in a closet, it seems. :D
Black Atom said:
Why not just buy it? Would you walk into a shop and take one off the shelf and stuff it in your jacket? Probably not, but its ok to steal it from the internet? It's not like it's expensive and the guys that make the program are hardly microsoft, downloading GP5 probably hurts those guys a lot more than you'd think.
I'd consider it.

Tabbing other people's copyrighted songs and posting them online for public use is bad, mmmkay.
Black Atom said:
Why not just buy it? Would you walk into a shop and take one off the shelf and stuff it in your jacket? Probably not, but its ok to steal it from the internet? It's not like it's expensive and the guys that make the program are hardly microsoft, downloading GP5 probably hurts those guys a lot more than you'd think.

Well, I guess he wouldn't buy it and so it's hurting nobody.

But if the situation was like this: He wanted to bought it but then downloaded it, he would have inflicted damage on this firm.
Kris_man said:
I'd consider it.

Tabbing other people's copyrighted songs and posting them online for public use is bad, mmmkay.
I suppose singing in the shower is also bad, because its someone else's copyrighted songs. Sorry, but fuck those laws.

As for programs, I prefer Power Tab. it's simple, effective, and doesn't take up space on my drive.
Kenneth R. said:
As for programs, I prefer Power Tab. it's simple, effective, and doesn't take up space on my drive.

Yeah, I like that too. But nothing beats finale.