Guitar rig presets


Ethno freak
Apr 22, 2003
On this forum I sought good words about soft amp Guitar rig...
Imho-its the best soft amp I heard!!!!
Have u any favourite presets of it????
And can u show them please here??? :dopey:

speaking of software guitar rigs...has anyone found a good software speaker cab emulator? I've tried Amplitube and a couple others, and they all sounded like the POD to me. Really scratchy and dull. I've got a mesa rectifier recording pre, but the "speaker emulated outs" are more aptly dubbed "precision ass emulator outs". So I'm curious if there's such a thing as a good sounding speaker cab sim pluggin out there?
I own Guitar Rig and I love the clean and vintage sounds in it. The hi gain stuff is not as good as POD XT, but I think once they add some more models this program will be a serious contender. Their Dual Rectifier emulation is pretty good and you can tweak it quite a bit.
Carrier Flux said:
I've tried Amplitube and a couple others, and they all sounded like the POD to me. Really scratchy and dull.

Everytime I've heard somebody say that about the POD it's either..
A) They don't own one.
B) if they do, they don't know how to use it right
C) Have a crappy guitar with crappy pickups.

I have Rig, Amplitube and a PODxt... Pod wins hand's down. It even records nicer than my mic'd Randall rig.

....but let's not turn this into yet another POD thread. hehe.
Kazrog said:
I own Guitar Rig and I love the clean and vintage sounds in it. The hi gain stuff is not as good as POD XT, but I think once they add some more models this program will be a serious contender. Their Dual Rectifier emulation is pretty good and you can tweak it quite a bit.

Yeah the 'Gratifier' amp is pretty much all that can be used at the moment to pull the sort of metal sounds most of us are after. You can do some nice stuff with the AC-30 simulation in terms of lead sounds too. All in all though, I'd preffer to have a PODXT, even though I generally dislike all digital modelling.
I don't know if you guys have heard nightfall overture by Nightingale but...

Apparently it's all guitar rig- which surprised me because I love the production/sounds on that album. Also notice Dan used a podxt on CrimsonII but seems to prefer guitar rig. In contrast, I didn't like guitar rig at all- but now I don't know what to think. Food for thought.
Moonlapse said:
Dan Swano from a production point is very weird.... he uses digital emulations, Cubase and freefilter to rip other people's sounds. It's a very different approach to producing.

I'd rather say he shapes his sounds with other sounds.
It's true that he likes digital working, but I'm shure that he totally knows what he wants. I mean, he's recording for ages and also did some good stuff in the non-computer era.
And it's no crime trying to recreate a sound that you like. Making it by ear, or using free-filter is not a big difference for me. I think everyone has favourite sounds or mixes that he likes to reach. ;)
Moonlapse said:
All I have are some tracks I've done

With speaker cab simulations... some people like to use impulses. Which is basically convolution reverbs set up to emulate how cabinets interact with the room around them, the mic, the preamp etc. I've never had much success with this, but you might.

The Moonies cover has a nice Opeth-ish tone to it. I'm with Lefthander, share some of those presets. Keep em' heavy.
Moonlapse said:
Yeah the 'Gratifier' amp is pretty much all that can be used at the moment to pull the sort of metal sounds most of us are after. You can do some nice stuff with the AC-30 simulation in terms of lead sounds too. All in all though, I'd preffer to have a PODXT, even though I generally dislike all digital modelling.

I have another thing to try that sounds pretty good. Try the Proco Rat model into a Plexi.

Also, contrary to what you'd do in real life, try using 4 or so cabinets, using different mics, using extreme mic EQ settings to "voice" each cabinet towards its strong area specifically. I've come up with some pretty good presets this way, but avoiding phasing takes a little bit of experimentation.
Yeah, that's one of the strange things about GR, you really need to get in there and blend sounds to come up with something decent.

With the presets guys, the 'moonies cover' track actually used freefilter on the rhythm guitar tracks. It was essentially trying to emulate the MAYH tone. The tone I'd started with didn't quite sound like that.

The one on the 'vintagewarm' track is actually one of the stock GR presets that comes with version 1.2, run through a BBE Sonic Maximizer.
I use guitar rig too :p

here's an example of one of my presets:
I just wrote the riff for the sake of an example. I think it might be slightly inspired by one of those Daath songs James posted. :oops:

My preset banks are scattered with all sorts of variations of the same tone etc.
If anyone wants any I guess I could gather a few into a new bank and post it :Spin:
enlore04- Good tones too

Yeah, sharing some presets banks or anything work rock. This forum is great for the sharing of tones from the Pod's to the Guitar Rigs and to just about anything else. I recently had to sell my Pod XT, but I might just get something different in the future. I still got Guitar Rig and the old Amplitube, so I might go back to them till I get something new.
Hi guys!

New here, but I've been using Guitar Rig for a few months now, and after learning to play guitar in the early 1980's and having to buy stomp boxes,cords,,lol this program is totally amazing. Theres some decent tones included, the "Slip Note Wide" is a decent preset included in 4. If any of you guys want more,I have a TON of .bnk files for Guitar Rig,these are presets that were created by other users I've come across and kept. Guitar Rig uses 2 types of files,you can import .ksd OR if you change the file type from the default .ksd to .bnk using the drop-down box in the "Import" window. I'll GLADLY share these soundbank files with anyone that would like them. Some of the soundbanks are quite large,and you'll have hours of listening fun going through them. If you want them,feel free to contact me and ill get them to your inbox. Thanks,and take care!-Ron