Guitar rig5 Metal mix


New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2011
Hey guys i recorded intro of Death-Crystal Mountain by using guitar rig 5
what do you think about the guitar tone , i need some advice&tips&critiques

please watch in 1080p to get best audio quality
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It sounds like if it was recorded in a built-in wardrobe.
Very bad cabinet simulation.Why do we need a version 5 of guitar rig if they never upgrade their cab simulations?? Always the same shitty cabs.
Even guitar rig 1 would sound good with real mic capture. We don't need more versions, we need to investigate into cab simulations Native Instruments Guys.
Very bad cabinet simulation.Why do we need a version 5 of guitar rig if they never upgrade their cab simulations??
^^ yeahh..

Try bypassing the cab and using Impulses. I just started using them a little while ago and they make a world of difference over the ampsim cabs.. I use keFIR and the guitarhack Impulses and they sound great in comparison.