Guitar room

Dawn Patrol

Feb 3, 2005
I've been tracking guitar in my basement (concrete) but this time I was thinking of making some foam walls around the cab (like Metallica Black album). Is this a good idea or is it just not worth it? Anyone tried it? I always close-up micing but don't know how much the room is interfering. Any thoughts...
I always dampen things around the cab. Keep it soft and you don't need to worry about adding unwanted reflections. It makes more of a difference than you think.
definnitely. I'm in a bedroom full of typical bedroom-y stuff, so it's relatively damp in here, but just hanging a duvet in front of my cab when i mic'd it up made a massive difference in the sound, made it alot more in your face and generally chunky
I dont think its gonna work that good

I'm sorry but, why do you offer your opinion if you have no personal knowledge or experience to call on? If nobody else answered him in this thread, all he'd have to go on is your answer. People not talking out of their ass is what makes this forum one of the best to go to for information compared to other sites (like for example...) which are full of misinformation. Not trying to be a dick here but it's better to leave it to people that actually have experience to answer rather than giving the wrong info. It's like you are just guessing an answer, and it's obvious you don't know about the subject. I've actually seen you do this quite a few times.

Just saying...
I've tried tenting the cab with packing blankets in a similar fashion to tenting a kick drum. Grab two boom stands and make a frame and enclose the cab and mics with the packing blankets. It's helped when tracking in a room that's not totally ideal. Another little trick I think I picked up on this forum was to throw the cab on a cinderblock that's on a piece of carpet, and it does seem to tighten up the low end a significant amount.

My $.02, at any rate.
I'm sorry but, why do you offer your opinion if you have no personal knowledge or experience to call on? If nobody else answered him in this thread, all he'd have to go on is your answer. People not talking out of their ass is what makes this forum one of the best to go to for information compared to other sites (like for example...) which are full of misinformation. Not trying to be a dick here but it's better to leave it to people that actually have experience to answer rather than giving the wrong info. It's like you are just guessing an answer, and it's obvious you don't know about the subject. I've actually seen you do this quite a few times.

Just saying...

I wouldnt have given any answer if i had no experience on it...
i tried the same thing few months back and it definitely didnt gave me much *better* sound... and only you know the subject because you stick to this site for a long time and nobody else knows??? you are just being a dick over here... and its not like im the only one answering whatever the answer is he the he is still going to try with it... If im missing something in the subject.. you old timer's got to help us back.. not kick at our ballz...
I thought this site was more of helping each other...and keeping a good bond :(
I wouldnt have given any answer if i had no experience on it...
i tried the same thing few months back and it definitely didnt gave me much *better* sound... and only you know the subject because you stick to this site for a long time and nobody else knows??? you are just being a dick over here... and its not like im the only one answering whatever the answer is he the he is still going to try with it... If im missing something in the subject.. you old timer's got to help us back.. not kick at our ballz...
I thought this site was more of helping each other...and keeping a good bond :(

PM sent, trying to avoid a thread derailment.
I haven't done much of this, but when I have done it, it was:

A) eggcrate foam forming a "cave" around the cab/mic
B) a blanket hung up about 4 feet in front of the cab to deaden the sound

I'm sure it made a difference, but I wasn't exactly experimenting.
When I did it literally all I did was put a few chairs in front of my amp, hang a duvet over them and that was it (amp is a few inches away from a solid wall, and i'm in a completely untreated room with no money for anything better), and that served to improve the general chunk and attack massively, also made the guitars sit in a mix much better because there was almost no room sound clouding everything up
I would vote for hanging blankets or using 703 baffles. The problem with mounted foam is that you can inadvertently add low frequency reflections than muck things up.
Also, IMHO reflection filters do some weird stuff to microphone response and the louder the source the more apparent it is. For what those things cost you'd be better buying/building some 703 panels. I'd definitely start with the blanket tent and work from there.

I think everyone posting here is one the same page but just in case I want to note that all of the things are about improving the sound at the mic. None of them are going to significantly impact the volume in the room.