Guitar saturation problem with every ampsim


Apr 17, 2009
Paris - France
Hi all

I have a problem with my guitars when mixing, there is always a lot of grainy saturation( like if I have two amp sim working at the same time, too much saturation), I have tested with Ronixis and Ola DI and I have the same problem so it doesn't come from my DI.

My Chain is :

1) All DI are send in the guitar Buss directly with no effect

On the guitar buss :

1) Revalver MKII = TS + 6560 with no impulse (I use Fearcomplexmusic preset on you tube)

2) IR1A from Mellomuse with ORANGE CAB impulse from Fearcomplex music

3) Waves REQ 6 with HP / LP and 2 minor cut and a little boost

4) PSP Vintage

This guitar bus is send to a parallel group with bass to glue together.

The problem is even if I desactivate the psp and let only the revalver and IR1A working, I still have this distortion pb... even by decreasing the Level and/or the drive knob...

I don't know where comes the problem... is it due that all DI are sent to the buss and only one instance of MKII on the buss for 4 guitars is working ???

Please help me I begin to have a headache !!!!

Thanks a lot
Do you distort every guitar by itself or you distort them all at once? ...because if you send more (then one) guitars to one distortion, they will interfere ad the result is pure shit. Every DI MUST be distoted alone and then send to bus.... why? In the real world you also don't send all guitars to one amp.
I would start by taking each part of the chain out of the chain and determining which part is causing the problem. I only have the Mkiii demo and am not much a fan of the Revalver plugin but I dont recall any amp sim being able to take 4 sends at once, some can take up to two and some only one.
Thanks for all

this is it... It was obvious, when I use one instance per guitar, it is all good !

I know this is a dumb idea but my main goal was to avoid using 4 instances of Revalver for my CPU because I have a big project...
Yes, sure...

But the problem using freeze is that you can't adjust your tone while mixing and you have to un-freeze each time you want to adjust...
You can actually create a session for each working step so you can have your raw tracks in the first one, the most part processed (to prepare the bounces), then your mixing session where you import your bounces from the previous one. If you have to change something, you go back to your 'processed' session and rebounce, etc. Don't know really if I'm clear but many guys here - including me - have to do that way to save CPU for large projects. And honestly, it's easer to mix without VST's/Trigger/Drumagog/whatever on every fucking tracks.
you can send 2 guitars to one instance of revalver. just right click the ampsim and process in stereo. as long as the two guitars are hard panned its fine.
You mean exactly like everyone does when they mic a real amp? :headbang:


Just fucking commit and move on;

If you want to change it; unfreeze or re-process the DI.

Knowing what makes a guitar fit in the mix before you even hit record is half the battle. Pissing around with that when you're balls deep in mixing is a waste of time.