New AILD track - question about saturation


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys, listening to the new As I Lay Dying - pretty cool track, but I was just curious about something. It seems like Tim's vocals have an extreme amount of saturation going on, and then it seems like they're heavily EQ'd to avoid the piercing high-end that comes with extreme saturation. If you listen to the part at 2:13 , where the vocal is heard on it's own, it almost sounds like an effect, but when the full mix comes in the vocal still sounds the same. I'm curious if anyone else uses this much distortion/ saturation on extreme vox, and if this method maybe helps glue the vocals into the mix better?

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yea, I hear what you are talking about. I usually throw lo-fi on the vocals to add .1-.3% distortion to make sure they are not buried. I do add some saturation with izotope trash after all other processing is done too. i think alot of guys do this
Cool, yeah lately I'm using Decapitator rather than Izotope Trash, like I said though when I throw any decent amount on I usually have to use the LP filter and some further EQ to get rid of the harsh hi end it creates
Man, I LOVE this band.

However... I don't know. Even though I love the music they've been putting out lately, the mix on their records distances itself each time more from the PERFECT mix that Shadows Are Security is. Not to say the latest mixes are bad... they're not by any means, just a very different approach from my favorite mix of all time. JMO, of course. :)

I guess it fits their faster, more technical style of songwriting better.