Hey boys and girls!
First off let me say that this forum had teach me a lot!! Fantastic tips over here!
Now, my problem :
It's about reamping...
I've been listening some samples of the clean guitars over here and they all have a more compressed sound
(probably because they were played with active PUs on guitars) than my own recordings with my SZ320 (passive).
I just plug directly into a Mackie Onyx Satellite preamp. I've read the topic about preparing the tracks for reamping and my question is,
would a fairly transparent clean boost pedal work as good as a passive directbox? The reference DIs are expensive and for a ART ZDirect it's a pedal like
BBEs Boosta Grande, MXR M133 or Seymour Duncan pickup booster, for example, better to record clean and with gain?

First off let me say that this forum had teach me a lot!! Fantastic tips over here!
Now, my problem :
It's about reamping...
I've been listening some samples of the clean guitars over here and they all have a more compressed sound
(probably because they were played with active PUs on guitars) than my own recordings with my SZ320 (passive).
I just plug directly into a Mackie Onyx Satellite preamp. I've read the topic about preparing the tracks for reamping and my question is,
would a fairly transparent clean boost pedal work as good as a passive directbox? The reference DIs are expensive and for a ART ZDirect it's a pedal like
BBEs Boosta Grande, MXR M133 or Seymour Duncan pickup booster, for example, better to record clean and with gain?