guitar string problems- help


Nov 27, 2002
dorset, england
I'm not really good with the technical side of guitars and thought that maybe you all might be able to help me. I recently broke the low E string on my guitar, the thick one. i restrung it but now it vibrates against the frets which is really annoying- what have i done wrong?? it's strung right and it's not the first time it's been nrestrung. any ideas?
Then it's probably a deviation. When you replace it the next time it should be ok, unless your neck has bent slightly one way or the other (they can do this due to temperature/humidity changes).

Have you tried another string of the same gauge?
Sometimes when they manufactur the string they (any of the string companies) can get a wierd wrap which would cause a buzz.

Another thing to try is to fret that string on each fret, going up the fret board. That will tell you which fret is causing the most buzz, if it is indeed the fret.

Another thing, did you switch the string at all. Style? Type? Not gauge. Different companies might use a different core for their string which might make the string a little more or less tense.
where on the neck does the buzzing originate? if its near the nut, i recommend that you loosen the string, and make sure its sitting comfortably and properly in the groove and then re-tighten the string. if the buzzing if occuring closer to the neck, it could be improperly sitting in the bridge saddle, and i would recommend you perform the aforementioned excercise on the bridge. if the buzzing is coming from the fretboard itself, your problem could be intonation or trussrod.