Problems With Guitar


Feb 14, 2006
I just got my guitar back from being set up, it plays great except for a couple of things. I notice that on some strings, particulairly the high B and E strings, even at high frets (12th fret and higher up the neck even to about 19th) it is impossible to do a full bend. I have a floyd rose bridge, and even when I dive with the whammy bar as low as possible, the 2 strings still really have no slack or havn't loosened. It is as if the strings on on the guitar to tight. Any suggestions on what it could be?, these "tight" strings...are they in tune?

If they are, then i would say that your strings are too heavy...maybe ask the tech if he put the same guage strings on.
That's pretty weird sounding. When I've used guitars with Floyds the strings are like completely slack when you push it all the way down. I'd ask the tech that set it up what the deal is.