About Floyd Rose tremolo...

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The kid clearly doesn't understand the mechanics of the thing and someone who doesn't understand the device and how to fix it shouldn't try. About the "learning scales" thing...there is no parallel whatsoever between that and what we're talking about here. You don't even know how to spell, so why make a dig at people who don't know how to do a setup on a Floyd Rose? Way to make a complete douche of yourself.

Meedley - you start more shit and do more name calling around here than anyone, that is what makes you the douche... pulling the "you cant even spell" wild card is more than ample proof of your douchbaggedness........ big fuckin deal I cant spell

Let me clarify this for you because you have a real hard time interpreting peoples posts......... like when you went up and down one side of me... a left hander for not trying out all the guitars and tone woods I was asking about...... like get a friggin clue dude

I did not critize or make fun of this guy for asking his question. I... in fact gave a very detailed picture of the mechanizim...... what you are now crying about is I made fun of you guys for telling him to put his tail between his legs and run

Meedley - I would suggest you learn how to restrain from your name calling temptations, thats really a girly thing. You have started more shit in threads by doing that and then you disappear and everyone else sits there and fights over stuff you started.

Shenk - Meeds is alright when hes not having a name calling fit but I dont think I would want my nose so close to the butt end.

I poked fun at you guys, very tactfully for basically telling this guy to ignore my very detailed and time consuming post that was more than enough to get the job done... you guys got a sore butt.... embarassing for ya'll Im sure.
The point with the "spelling" comment is that you are making claims of the decline of Western Civilization (because only Western Civilization would have problem with Floyd Roses...completely exclusive to us, right?:rolleyes:). All the while there you sit, hardly able to communicate in your native language at times. The tone-wood discussion? I looked it up just to check it out because I have better things to do than dwell on, or even remember, arbitrary internet discussions that happened 4 months ago. If you found that to be aggressive, I hardly think it's me who has a hard time interpreting things. You were trying to form an opinion about an aural phenomenon by reading about it rather than listening. Sorry for trying to set you straight on that one.

To the original poster:

The best advise you can possibly get right now has already been given. Take it to a local repair guy, have him walk you through the process of setting up the Floyd while he does it, take notes if necessary, and be happy with the fact that only learned something that will benefit you in the future, but also that you didn't do anything to mess up your guitar.
I don't have a sore butt, razor...nor am I embarrased about anything...just tired of all the self proclaimed internet geniuses who are just so fucking wise and righteous.

Bottom line...Meedles is right...no ifs ,ands or buts.

I'd love to know if any of you can put your money where your mouth is and actually play.
I don't have a sore butt, razor...nor am I embarrased about anything...just tired of all the self proclaimed internet geniuses who are just so fucking wise and righteous.

Bottom line...Meedles is right...no ifs ,ands or buts.

I'd love to know if any of you can put your money where your mouth is and actually play.

Well you sounded a bit sore to me. There was no self proclaimed anything by me. How long do you think it took me to write that well explained "how to deal with Floyd" post ?

Not sure what rightness your refering to Meedley as being, hes always right in your book and you make point of it continously. Hes great with advanced theory thats for sure the rest is opinion.... for which no one dare deny or they become a moron or whatever name he can dish out quick in his frustration. So Ill assume this time you are refering to him calling me a douche.... thats cool I've been called worse and still laughed, no ifs ands or butts

This is the bottom line..... the post that everyone got bent out of shape about was me bustin ass..... such thin skin.... dont people bust ass within whoever you hang out with in the "real world" myself and my friends and/or coworkers bust ass all the time. "decline of Western civilization was a direct reference to the movie about rock and metal and was supposed to be funny.... yet hows that go Meedlys ? I can barely communicate in my native tongue...... :lol: Funny how that only seems to be a problem when someone has a bug up their ass...... I mean imbedded in their ear..... :lol:

So what we have here is

I gave Kondor the benefit of the doubt and decided he could handle it with proper instructions and giving himself time to learn the ins and outs

Three of you decided he couldnt handle it and shouldnt bother

different people find different things insulting, myself being told I couldnt handle something is the biggest insult.... I am on Krondors side and believe he can do it.

so I busted your balls for cutting him short and sending him out to a "tech" to loose a hundred dollar bill

he came looking for answers.... I gave him answers.... ya'll told him to forget it... I might be a bit confused as to the definition of what constitues being a "bitch"....... :lol:

I had no internet to ask questions on in '90 when I figured out my Floyd and no one there to help me, nor any "instructions" I just sat there and did it on my own. Nothing would annoy me more than asking for help and being told to "forget it, you couldnt handle it".

I have noticed over the years there is alot of unnessary anguish revolving around a double locking falcrum tremolo, anytime I can help people from falling into the wifes tale or folklore of "fearing the Floyd" I will do so.

Have faith in yourself Krondor setting up that Floyd is not "hard", its just "tedious" and once you get a grip on whats going on with how it reacts to slight changes in tension it will become very clear. What you are talking about it only minor adjustments to those two spring retainer screws, nothing drastic at all.... it just a "tedious" process that needs to be learned.

"you can do it"

mouth and money.... firmly attached to the same body
Jesus H. Christ! Somebody posts here asking for help with a trem system and it turns into a fucking slagfest. I'm going to add a link to the wonderful tech/setup section @ jemsite.com and then close this thread. You guys are fucking unbelievable sometimes.

Krondor - Sorry to have to lock this thread, here is a link to some decent setup info. While it uses Ibanez Edge, & Lo-Pro trems for its examples, it still really applies to any FR style trem. If you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable with attempting any of this, it's not a bad idea to have a tech show you how to do the setup. It doesn't make you any more or less of a man to do this. If it's a trashed guitar that you don't mind possibly risking some damage, the best way to learn is by doing, imo.

Jemsite link: http://www.jemsite.com/tech/index.htm

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