Guitar Tablatures of Morgana Lefay

By the way it seems like someone really likes to STEAL ideas, and when I get it done, I get told that I have stolen... haha! Someone not only steal ideas also steal around the web...

THX Dark! :)

@Silkie: Coward! Raising such reproaches against me and then you act as if you didn´t mean me...

But, oh, how could I expect insight??? From YOU?
I curse the day I was credulous enough to think we both had the same goal!

Ever since I made this entry in your guestbook, you trample like a hippo on things that are important to me, things I´m investing my hearts blood in!

If it´s that what makes you happy I really feel pity for you!
@ Tina I’m not a coward and I wasn’t the one who started... please read the following text complete...

I remember very well how much shit I have gotten for my website from you at the begin for no reason and all those „nice“ email I have gotten of your friends. The reason was very obviously, it was claimed that I had not right to have the official website... Very fair, isn’t it? You all did not know me but not giving me any rights... IMO, it’s not ok to take everything out of the web but not to give the right to others...
You had taken pics from my fan club site without asking me, but I hadn’t complained...
Also pics from my friends site without asking...
And once again you have put pics of mine on your website without asking me.
Check this site: and check it carefully, I haven’t said anything sofar...
These are true facts. Think of it Tina, if I would use anything of your site without asking, surely you would be more than pissed off.

Saying this:
By the way it seems like someone really likes to STEAL ideas, and when I get it done, I get told that I have stolen... haha! Someone not only steal ideas also steal around the web...
wasn’t wrong, actually it was an ironical comment of it all...

I don’t trumble like a hippo on things all the time... just once I had to response with some true facts, because I got shit from your site, out of nothing... but I talked about it already, so I’m not repeating myself.
I made a nice compliment in you guestbook, would I really bother doing it if I prefer to trumble like a hippo on your heart blooded work? It’s nice to see when someone puts the heart in the website for a beloved band and I surely apprechiate it very much. It does get my respect, but it would be nice to be respected as well, there is no need to envie me for having the official website...

Usually I don’t mind sharing with fans if it is for private use, that’s why I’m not using the defunction of the right mouse click. But I would like to be asked if things be taken from my site and gets published elsewhere, also my pics of other sites, cause I had only given those permission to use it for their website... Is it so hard to ask, if you like to use something? Fans who ask surely will get a good support from me, no matter what! And all those who really know me, know that I really love sharing with fans in any way. And there is no need to envie...

I had talked with Robin about the site and that it would be nice to unite all fans, inclusive you, that would be nice too! I like all fans on this board and sure it would be great if all stick together, like you said, we all have the same goal and we all waiting for a new album. We all love the band.

Hopefully you get my point Tina, it would be very nice...
Sad, obviously you did not get the point, Tina.
I thought that you might would understand... I don't destroy, you put a few things up here which were/are not correct said about me.
I just like to clear a few things with true facts, to get them out of this world. We are old enough to talk about it in a respectable manner. I haven't done anything wrong, just been a bit ironical due to the shit I got for no reason... and I was expecting to get it again...
This was the second time I have tried to clear things up.
Well, at least I have tried to make you understand... maybe one day you'll get my point...
What the fuck did I get "crossed" from...? Oh well, taken care of now