guitar tone/mix help


Sep 26, 2008
Perth, Australia
hey guys,

I've just started trying to record some demos for my band.
I'm still a beginner so I'm after a few tips mainly on my guitar tone;

I mic'd my Framus cobra (+ cobra cab) with a condenser mic, basically right in the middle of the speaker cone for my 1st test.

here is a 1min sample with drums (just played over the drums and added some bass all unedited) -

and here is one guitar channel if anyone wants to fuck with it -

i'm looking at any feedback on the tone itself , or any tips on post processing
for more clarity

thanks guys!

edit- forgot to mention i'm using an edirol interface and reaper
reverb on snare would help

guitars sounds like there is way to much low end and not enough upper mids and highs. But if its recorded like this you wont be able to fix this with eq. With almost all guitar recordings they have to be recorded with the desired tone in the first place.

btw like the song :)