Thick Yet Tight Guitar Tone????


New Metal Member
Mar 6, 2013
Hey guys I'm kinda new to production and stuff. My guitar tone right now sounds like shit. It sounds really trebly and harsh. I need tips on how to make a fat sounding guitar tone but won't have that muddy low end. I'm using a POD HD 500 and instead of using the cabs that come with it, I use cab impulses.

Here's an example of the original tone,

Help a brotha out :D
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What's up with the stereo field? Are you using some kind of widening? Also, those guitars need a few mids. Have you tried God's Cab?

Is everyone at ehow mentally challenged?

Also, it's important to mention that tube screamer can bring out nasty, scratchy attack of bad pickups, so it may or may not be the best case to make the tone 'thicker' because nasty attack just makes it smaller. Old strings will also give a nasty attack, because attack will be amplified more than higher harmonics of the note, which can create an undesirable sound. Also, flubby low end can be perceived in some cases, in case you got too much treble, like there. Sounds really low gain on some parts, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but the most important thing to mention is the weird out of phase guitar sound you have going on there. What guitar have you got and what pickups?
the phase of the mix is distracting. The first thing would be to take that imager off and pan out everything to your liking. for thickness I would suggest using parallel compression, but with a gate or tansient designer on the compressed track so that it remains tight. eq the compressed part to reinforce where the original is lacking.
I found some nice mesa os IR's from the interwebs a while ago. Can't remember the site though but I can reupload them for you if you want to.

And have you tried lepou's ampsims? Or just the IR loader?
I also recently found some good free ampsims for distorted sounds but can't remember their names from the top of my head right now. But I'll check when I get home.
Before starting to tweak complex settings :

-Take a simple "regular" amp sim you know well (5150, Mesa...)
-Use a simple unique no-brainer impulse (catharsis-awesometime-fredman s-pres8 example ;) )

Because God cabs is NOT for beginners. You know how many files it contains ?
V1.3 contain 723 files...and you need to know HOW to use them.
You can't pick'n play with 723 files.

Now you should get, at least, a decent tone...if your cab sim work (a simple on/off check is easy) :muahaha:
Add the screamer to tighten up the attacks once the amp sound is ALREADY set to a decent output.

If you still got troubles, post a simple Direct file of your guitar tone with nothing enabled in the chain.

Screamer is not here to do all work, just finish it ;)