I can't find a good sounding guitar tone through impulses yet...


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
Hi i'm new here, well not so new I've been reading nearly every thread on this for over a month just havent posted yet.

I am a pro tools 7 user and have wanted to use impulses on recordings for ahwile now.

after getting my hands on Waves convolution reverb impulse response program I decided to try it.but I cant get a good sound through it.

I have recorded some di tracks through the DI in my mbox and sent them into Amplitube METAL turned off ALL functions besides the amp head simulator and then sent that to waves ir. I have tried several of guitar hacks impulses and I keep coming back to "fredman straight" or the "EDGE -1 I Inch ala Sneap pic" but nothing sounds good. Once the signal is run through this it is VERY quite and I have tried a few things to make it louder. I've tried everything to get a good sound, tinkering with amplitube and even using a post eq but nothing seems to work for me.

is anyone using a similar setup or knows what I can do to achieve even just a decent sounding guitar tone.
Well you've got 3 problems, from just reading that.

1) The Mbox has a horrible DI/Mic Pre section. It will literally SUCK ALL YOUR TONE.

2) Amplitube is nothing special. Even the freeware Wagner Sharp would be a better option. Ideally something like POD Farm or Revalver Mk 3 though.

3) Impulses. They aren't there yet. They don't sound as good as cabs and there's really nothing you can do about it at this stage.

Good luck.
what guitar pickups do you use?
seemed to us (we used passive but want to go to active vor rec in future) that passiv pickups really kill the tone

I'm not an expert in that concern want to hear the other thoughts about that.
maybe start with the mkIII demo instead of amplitube, with just a pretty stock 5150 or rectifier setting. turn off the cab and use the impulses you mentioned. see if you can rule out it's amplitube that's mucking up the works. I liked mkIII's own cab sims when I goofed with it; I don't see a need to bypass them actually, but most people bypass them.

I wouldn't assume that you can make Amplitube sound a certain way; I don't much care for the original one.
what guitar pickups do you use?
seemed to us (we used passive but want to go to active vor rec in future) that passiv pickups really kill the tone

I'm not an expert in that concern want to hear the other thoughts about that.

I think that's just really subjective. I like the sound of EMG 81's, but I prefer my Duncan SH-12 even more. Just depends on the sounds you're going for.