Guitar tone question...


Sinister Haven \m/
Jul 13, 2009
UK, Islington
I was wondering where you dudes high and low pass your guitars? do you like to have a lot of fizz (Cowboys From Hell style) or do you prefer to have a dark sound with barely any fizz?
I actually like a bit fizzy tone most of the time, but it depends on what I am after.
For my death metal stuff I like it a bit darker, but I always high and low pass.
Low pass at 10-12Khz with a q between 1-2 (using ReaQ) normally and hi-passing
at 60-90hz, and I use the Hi and Low-pass in LeCab, too, most at the time hi-passing
at 75hz and low-passing at 12Khz.
I like a little bit of fizz when the guitars are soloed because it sounds better to me when it's in a mix. I usually highpass at 125 hz / lowpass at 13 khz.
i also like it fizzy to a certain extent
but somehow the lp doesn't even affect the fizz much for my hearing
do we have a different definition of "fizzy"?
for me its usually like 5-7khz area being constant noise
The reason why CFH is so fizzy has nothing to do with the low pass filtering at all.
It's so fizzy because the source tone is just fucking terrible.
If your guitars sound like the CFH guitars, you have fucked up badly.
A tone to be avoided for sure.
I ALWAYS prefer a tone that isn't particularly fizzy.
ESPECIALLY in vocal music, fizzy guitars will always be to the detriment of the mix, there is no way around that fact.
Ultimately, it's just like everything in mixing. You need to strike a balance.
You need to focus on the whole mid range of the guitars sounding as good as possible.
The low mids, core mids, higher mid mids, upper mids, it all has to be balanced.
Too much or too little of either region will be to the detriment of the mix.
Make it the main focus to get the BEST tone you can from the source, because the truth is that where you low and high pass the guitars are insignificant details compared to the source.
High passing at 60-130Hz and low passing at 10-13Khz should be fine really.
That said, I'm of the opinion you need to get the best separation between the guitar and bass as possible, so I think it's better to high pass at 100Hz or even higher, and let the bass guitar handle that region.
Sneap tends to high pass at 60Hz IIRC and I think that's one small part of the reason why his mixes tend to not have as good separation in the low end as the very best out there.
This is my EQ for guitars on the project I'm working on right now: EQ.jpg

Here's how it sounds:

For this song, I totally changed my EQ. I used to lowpass at 15khz or around there, for this, I went all the way down to 10khz and cut out some highs and low mids because I had a high shelf boost in my master. Sounds decent to me, but I'm fairly new to this. Also the bass is MIDI so I have it a little lower in the mix than I normally would.