Guitar Tracks Pro w/ Toneport GX, Unwanted Noise!


May 26, 2009
hey, i'm not completely new to pc, even though i have been using them all my life until 2 years ago when i got my mac, but that is besides the point, sorta... haha, i'm sorta lost atm with pc's and setting up this audio stuff. i have guitar tracks pro by cakewalk, and loving it so far. it's so simple, it does exactly what the name implies, tracks guitar like a pro. 1 thing though! i'm getting these huge cracks, pops and some hiss during recording, playback and exporting... and it's a huge pain. i need to get this solved asap, seeing i need to start writing for my bands ep, and jam out some rough demos in this, this is my first hurtle in making decent sounding songs, once i get this down, i'm off to learn about impulses, haha. anyway... main thing is what is going on, why am i getting these cracks, pops and hissing?

a demo of what crap is happening!
by the way don't pay attention to what's played, it's off time and is random poop, was played just to get the point of what is happening! don't freak... :ill:





shecter tempest custom
toneport gx
guitar tracks pro by cakewalk

i think it may have something to do with drivers? or maybe the toneport? but i don't think so, i just bought it a few days ago, and it sounds find when its being played through podfarm program, just when it's being recorded in guitar tracks pro, is when i run into the problem.

any help is greatly appreciated! thanks in advance! :worship:
have you tried the most simple? checking the guitar cable? after that i'd say it could be the cable going to your speakers or headphones. ehh or perhaps your sound card is not able to handle the sample rate your trying to play back in. (which is a little weird i guess) or a latency problem. do you get shudder sounds when you play? you should try closing down any unwanted crap in the background. i can see from your screenshot you have firefox open up, language tools, itunes and something else (dont know what it is) you should try quitting all that. too many cooks spoil the broth!
i know it isn't any of the cables or headphones, cause it just happens in that program. when it's by itself or anything else, it's fine. what sample rate do you think i should try? i'm in 44100 and 16 bit w/e that means. any other help? or ideas. if you need screen shots of anything else on my computer to make a better idea of what the problem is, please let me know, and i don't know if any of you saw it or heard it, but there is a sample .wav i post for you to hear it.