guitar "vibe".. how to??


Dec 28, 2010

i listened to this song today: HERE

the guitars sounds very warm and there's a nice vibe in the overall mix.
how can i get this effect?
is there any vst or something?

i hope you understand what i want to say...

Add a bass guitar? I don't know what vibe you're talking about, aside from letting a few more lows in from either the guitar, or getting a good bass sound.
Try some small Eq cuts on the guitars like around 500hz with low pass and high pass. It sounds like the gain is up too high to me.
maybe it's the drums. In a mix, when you hear the guitars you actually hear what guitars sound related to other instruments. Instead of working on the guitars alone, concentrate on the whole mix, try to find a balance with each instrument. Great mixes consist of great individual instruments (both tone wise and playing wise - you don't say 'this is a great mix, but the kick does teh suck!') but just because you have great individual tones of drums, bass, guitars, that doesn't automatically mean that you'll have a great mix in the end.