Let's go to get this tone


Auryn Studios
Jan 21, 2010
Basque Country
Hey guys!!

I have a question for you...

I want to get similar tone of the lead guitars in for example "through the virgin sky" of Dimension Zero band. The sound I am looking for is the solo part guitar,how is the effect that have this tone?,sounds amazing for me...is the same tone that the lead guitars in the jester race of in flames album.

You knows how is the effect/eq that they use?

Thanks in advance and have a nice week


I haven't heard Dimension Zero before (maybe I should check 'em out), but I know exactly what you're talking about with the Jester Race lead tone, I really don't know how to describe it but I freakin' love it, and would love to know how to achieve it! (beginning of December Flower :rock::rock::rock: )
I imagine 5150 into Engl Pro 4x12 would be your starting point. The rhythms sound boosted by some hard OD pedal or other, but the leads I'm not sure. They have this weird, almost siren-like projection in the midrange. All sounds like 5150 as the basis to me.
Oh man, I dunno dude, I'd wager there's something solid-state going on in there for the leads as the main source of the tone, they have that sorta "buzz" to them, though in this case it works perfectly IMO :rock: (siren-like is a good way of describing it)
I recall some talk about a Marshall Valvestate finding its way onto the Clayman tone, so I wouldn't be surprised if something Solid State or Hybrid popped up. The rhythms in particular have a grating edge to them which one might associate with solid state amps.

PS. Screw you guys, you've got me listening to TJR again. Used to LOVE this record in my teens.
The leads sound so much smoother than the rhythms on TJR in my perception. They have this smoothness I'd often associate with a neck pickup. Maybe a touch of reverb and delay?
Yeah, I agree, it's amazing how disparate they sound from one another - and I hear ya on the smoothness, but listen to "The Jester's Dance", those leads really sound like the bridge pup to me
Hey guys!!

thanks a lot to all for the replies!!, very good really.

Dimension Zero is a band from swedish death metal, with Jesper Stromblad, Daniel Antonsson, Glen ljungstrom ( In 2 first albums ), Jocke Gothberg (ex-Marduk)

Well, this is the song from DZ that I have spoke before....

The tone that I like it is the solo part, in the 2:01 minute, only I like the lead tone, is amazing, I think that Ermz are all right, but I think that this tone have something more....like reverb, delay, or something like that...

I will post here the song...What are you listen here?

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4750104/Di... The Lost World - Through The Virgin Sky .mp3

Sorry for my bad english, is not very good hehe :rock:

Look at 4,28mn:rock:
Sound really close imo, Jesper playing through 5150.
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Analgrinder!!,thanks for the video,I think that is not the tone exactly but is possible that the base be 5150. This lead have an effect in the chain and a middle range EQ...can someone say more or less how is the special ingredient :)

Brandon jajaja,10 no....18 metal zone is more powerful!!!
Just going to punch in, and remind everyone that The Jester Race is the ONLY In Flames record that everyone must own. The Jester Race lead tone sounds super honky, but that's what makes it sound so mellow and smooth.