Guitar woes....don't hurt me


Jan 13, 2009
ok, so I got an Ibanez MTM2 used off ebay (from music shop) and the edge III bridge basically snapped off after a quarter turn when adjusting the action boo hoo...
returned it, got my refund - but im in a dilema now.......

the shop has been great and are now offering for an extra 60 quid a brand new MTM2 with warranty and they promised it would be in full working order and set up....


my local guitar store where I got my PGM 301 are offering it at £80 more but comes with a full set up and I trust these guys to do a good job as they set up the PGM really well

The one from the ebay shop has Ibanez V7/V8 pickups

the one from my local shop has the new Duncan designed pups - which sound great as they were on the one that broke (well, they sounded great before the bridge came off lol)

what should I do ??? arrghhhh help.:erk: