SUMMER GEAR RAMPAGE!! - Part 1 (Guitar)


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, this is the first installment of my planned summer gear rampage - my new (used) Ibanez Prestige RGA321F! I got it for $1030 shipped on ebay (normally $1450 new) with a Duncan JB in the bridge and Jazz in the neck (original, right? :rolleyes: ), which I'm probably gonna switch to an EMG 85/60, but I'll see how these Duncans work out. Here's a collage I made using MS Paint and a fuckload of patience:


And here's a link to my collection of pics on facebook (add me!)

EDIT: And it's mahogany with a thick-ass flamed maple top and a hardtail bridge, by the way - no basswood/floyd knock-off to be found here!
Ubersweet! I've always had a thing for archtops.
I think one of the guys from Darkane used this on the upcoming album...
I think you'll love the way it sounds with those pickups. Although, I have always preferred the '59 in the neck. There is something about the Jazz I don't like, but I've never put my finger on it.
I always liked the look of those.... Nice axe!
Only thing I dislike is that the headstock doesn't match the body finish, but you can't always get what you want anyway
Thanks guys! Kramer, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised; I think I saw the guy from Scar Symmetry using one when I saw 'em live, so I guess they're pretty popular (though still way more unique IMO than the insufferably dull "black archtop with white binding & a tune-o-matic/string through bridge" ESP/Schecter super-strat that everyone seems to love :D). Tommy, yeah, the 59 and Jazz seem to be the two most popular, and while I'm not too picky with my neck pickup tone compared with the bridge, I'll give it the scrutinizing ear to be sure. And Wolfeman, yeah, the headstock thing bothered me at first, but I've learned to deal, cuz it's close to the black headstock that so many axes have, and I personally think the rosewood looks super-classy :)
And Wolfeman, yeah, the headstock thing bothered me at first, but I've learned to deal, cuz it's close to the black headstock that so many axes have, and I personally think the rosewood looks super-classy :)

Indeed it does look classy, that headstock looks nicer than my amish built kitchen table. And that wasn't me being funny, it does look good:headbang:
If only they made a 7-string version of that... Looks awesome! Congrats mate!

People have been begging Ibanez for a 7 string RGA prestige..... And from what I've read Ibanez has shown interest.... But who knows if it will ever actually happen...